Body Swap(All Six Brothers X Reader)

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[Yui Komori doesn't exist in this chapter]

{Subaru, Reiji and Shuu had swapped bodies}

(SHUU is inside SUBARU)
(REIJI is inside SHUU)
(SUBARU is inside REIJI)

"You guys... if you want me to help, the least you could all do is settle down, damn it! " I yell.

"You're yelling now? How annoying. " Shuu says... I mean, Shuu who is inside Subaru's body says.

"I find it disturbing how Subaru isn't yelling at me and looks sleep- REIJI PUT DOWN THAT HAMMER! " I went to grab his hands, which was still holding the hammer... Reiji who was inside Shuu's body....

"Seriously... " I facepalm, "And I thought you could understand words better... " I look at him with knitted brows.

"Subaru! SIT down! " I yell.
He was standing on the large dinner table.
"It's also very disturbing how Reiji is cursing uncontrollably...." I mutter, while watching Subaru come down the table... who was inside Reiji's body.

Reiji, who was inside Shuu, was glaring at me.
"It was a compliment. " I look at him, annoyed. I knew he understood that it was, and I get that he's annoyed I'm holding the hammer with him, at least to try to decrease the chances of him hitting anyone with it.
He was stronger than me, but I had to do something. I took the hammer from him after a few complains and grunts I made, which took me more than 3 seconds.

"Oi... What the hell was all that noise?" Ayato comes in, his hand rubbing his eyes.
Two of the guys I was disciplining, Reiji and Subaru look towards his direction. Shuu who was inside Subaru's body, remained sitting down, crossing his arms.

"The tea party got ruined because you guys were too loud. " I look towards another entrance, to find the light purple haired boy, and indeed he was holding his teddy bear with him. Kanato.

"Geez, I never thought you could yell like that, pancake. " Ayato says.

"I wonder if I could make you scream like that, bitch-chan.... " Suddenly, Laito was right behind me.

All of them had surrounded me again.
All 6 of them.

Of course. How could I forget that I was always been surrounded with these vampires.
It comes with them sneaking up on me very quietly and very quickly whenever they want.
Am I really the main character?

"Well... Shuu is in Subaru's body, Reiji is in Shuu's body, and Subaru is in..." I flinch when I see Reiji's body not really doing its usual poses, instead, Subaru puts a hand on his hip and strikes a pose as he looks up... I hold back the urge facepalm again,
"in Reiji's body. " I finish

I don't even have to look at Shuu (Reiji) to confirm if he's pissed or not.
Even Laito and Ayato were getting uncomfortable with how inadequate Reiji's body is acting.
We're all just used to Reiji standing straight and tall most of the time I guess.
For sure no one is going to be laughing when Reiji (Subaru) breaks his brother's glasses due to the complaining of it being itchy and to drive someone nuts in no time.

"How the hell did this even happen? " Ayato asks.

"Subaru and Shuu were fighting, Subaru kicked that wall, it fell on these 3, hit their heads so hard their souls switched bodies. " I said, pointing at the large damage Subaru caused.

"So? What now? " Laito asks. For once, his mischievous smile isn't present on his lips. That smile told me everything that I should fear of.

"What were they even fighting over?" Kanato asks.

Shuu (Reiji) looks at me, Subaru (Shuu) and Reiji (Subaru) simply looks away.

"What!?" Ayato raises his voice.

"They were fighting over Y/N." Shuu (Reiji) admits.

"Pancake? " Ayato turns to me, looking at me. Waiting for me to confirm if it's true.

"Yeah.... " My voice trails off.
I started to rub my arm, trying to stop the blood from rising up my cheeks.
The embarrassment....

I definitely forgot that they were fighting over me.
It was just so weird how vampires can actually switch bodies if they get unconscious enough. That's new....

"I found her first! She's mine! "Ayato yells, his brows knitted in a glare.

Laito simply adjusts his fancy hat, his smirk coming back.

"She isn't! " Reiji (Subaru) yells.

They continue to argue... God, these people are still children.

"In the end, it's all up to her. " Subaru (Shuu) raises his voice.

"Can't we just find a way to bring your brothers back to normal?" I yell, once again....

"My my... You're so hot when you get angry bitch-chan~" Laito says.

For a moment, my eye twitches.
I'm probably so stressed that I'm slowly losing my sanity. These men are the worse! I bet nothing can ever compare to these idiots.

"How do we do that? " Kanato asks. His voice going on a gentle melody... I find it so hard to tell if it's him faking his nice voice, because later on he yells at me like a maniac.
He probably has bipolar disorder.

Back to the question! How do we do that!?

I look down at the hammer that I was still holding...
Let's see...
They're 6 brothers. 6 divided by 3 is equals to 2....

I blink at the sudden idea that popped up in my head.
It didn't take me long to realize that the moment I put fingers on my chin as I was thinking, the Sakamaki brothers were all looking at me.
Some of them got annoyed at how they can't read my mind, so they ended up glaring at me with curiosity.

"Ayato, Laito and Kanato... " I look at them,
"I want you to capture Subaru, Reiji and Shuu. " I commanded.

Ayato raises one of his eyebrows.
"What? "
"What? " Shuu (Reiji) says, his voice in sync with Ayato.

"I want you to capture your 2 older brothers and your youngest sibling!" I commanded again.

As if Laito had gotten my idea faster than anyone in the room, he went after Subaru (Shuu), lunging at his brother.
"UWAHH! " I hear Subaru (Shuu) yelp as he dodges Laito's body.

Ayato and Kanato finally got the idea and they did the same to Reiji (Subaru) and Shuu (Reiji).

In the end, I was the one who hit them on their heads with the hammer as they were held by their brothers.

"You...! That hurt! " Subaru says, rubbing his head.
Even though he was the youngest among his brothers, he was by far probably the strongest too.

"At least you're back to your body... Jesus, I don't wanna see Reiji being not fancy in front of me like that ever again." I jab a thumb to point at Reiji who was behind me.

Reiji looks around....
"Someone has to clean this up." He says.
Indeed. The room was filled with so many broken furnitures now, worse than last time.
He suddenly looks at me....
"Not me, no!" I raise my voice.

He grabs one of my wrists, "Clean this up... or..." He smirks and looks at my neck.

"Agh... Fuck it! I'd rather get bitten than clean this up! "

"Your blood it is then~" I hear Laito say from behind me.

Now, they were all looking at me with hungry eyes.
They all slowly approached me.


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