Taskmaster round 2

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Team Y/NKRD pulled out their weapons and pointed them at Taskmaster. Taskmaster didn't do anything.

Taskmaster: Come on let's calm down. As they say: "Don't shoot the messenger."

Revy: But when it's about you I'll shoot you gladly!

Dante: Wait, what are you talking about? Messenger?

Taskmaster: That's right, I'm just here to tell you that you fell into my trap.

Kuki: I hate to break it up to you but it looks like you are trapped here with us.

Taskmaster: I see, you don't know yet.

Taskmaster pulled out a scroll and showed them the news that Vale is under attack by a huge army of Grimm.

Y/N: What when?!

Taskmaster: Not long ago. And now the point that why are you here. You and team RWBY are getting in our way too often so I make this little trap so Roman can deal with only one group of kids. By the way good weapons.

He pointed at the two swords with chains on the wall.

Taskmaster: It looks more effective than your katars

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Taskmaster: It looks more effective than your katars.

Y/N: They belong to my father. And-

Taskmaster: I'm going to stop you right there. I know you would start to talk about your father but I think our readers want to see another fight.

Y/N: Who?

Taskmaster: Nothing.

Taskmaster put his legs on the ground and kicked the table at the kids but Dante sliced it in half. But then he was instantly hit by the shield which bounced off him back to Taskmaster's hands. Revy started shouting at him but he blocked it all. Kuki used her electric whip and grabbed his arm which was holding the shield. Taskmaster was forced to pull down his arm and was punched square in the face by Y/N.

Taskmaster: Not bad, not bad at all.

Then Y/N and Taskmaster started fist fighting but Y/N every attack was blocked or countered like, Taskmaster knew every move. Revy wanted to shoot at him but he was the fight with Y/N as a meat shield from her. But then Dante run at him with his sword but Taskmaster roundhouse kicked him and with that kick he even hit Y/N. Y/N pulled out his katars and swung at him.

Taskmaster: I know you can do better than that.

Then he hit Y/N in the chest and turned to Revy and Kuki.

Taskmaster: Your turn.

He pulled out his sword and charged at them. Kuki tried to whip him but her whip wrapped around his sword and pulled her towards him, and then he hit her hard against the wall. Then only Revy was left standing.

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