Swings & Thoughts

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Hey guys, so here is a repost of an old one-shot I wrote - it's posted separately on my profile as well. I will be reposting all my one-shots that are currently on my profile and my Instagram, before I write some new ones! 

This one is a favorite of mine! 

Originally written and posted: March 16th, 2016



It was a Saturday morning and I woke up to the sound of the song "Confident" by Demi Lovato playing. It was my ringtone. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. It was Hiccup. I smiled and answered it.

A: hey

H: hey, you busy today?

A: no, I was gonna sleep. But you already woke me up so.

H: *laughs a little* I'm gonna pick you up in about 20 mins, think you'll be ready?

A: sure?

H: I wanna hang out. Just get dressed. Bye.

A: bye.

I hung up curious what he wanted to do as a hang out. We were best friends, had been for three years now. We did basically everything together. And if I'm going to be honest, I like him. His messy auburn hair, those green eyes. He's adorable and dorky and I find it so cute. I've never told him though. I didn't know if he liked me and we both went through pretty rough break-ups a couple of months go. Ironic that they happened at the same time, huh? And that my ex and his ex ended up dating. Well actually my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me with Hiccup's ex-girlfriend. We found out when we walked in on them making out with half their clothes off in a empty room at school. We were told our club was meeting there and we caught them. Sometimes the memory still comes back and it hurts.


Two months earlier. Hiccup and Astrid were told by another student that their club for the upcoming dance would be held in room 13. Room 13 was never used so they found it a little strange. They had been talking and laughing when Astrid opened the door and was looking at Hiccup when she saw his facial expression go from laughing to complete shock. I turned my head and gasped.

There they were, Hiccup's girlfriend Lilly and my boyfriend Liam making out with half their clothes off. They heard my gasp and stopped and looked at us.

"Liam...." I said. You could hear the sadness and anger in my voice.

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