Melting Ice

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Hey guys, posting from my phone for this one!

I have some fanfics written on my phone, so just posting it from there is easier. This one-shot I posted on my Instagram back in May 2022, so it's new to wattpad.

I hope you guys like it!


"Nuffink you coming?" Zephyr yelled from the porch into the house.

"Yeah!" Nuffink said running down the stairs and grabbing his coat. Astrid looked at them.

"Where are you two going?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Just gonna play with the others, mom" Zephyr told her.

"Alright, be careful. It might still be cold but some ice is starting to melt, and try and stay away from your dad and the others building the docks." Astrid told her 9 year old daughter.

"Okay mom. Come on Nuff." Zephyr said and Nuffink and her left.
The kids went and found their little group of friends in the village.

"Hey Zeph!" Maya called. Zephyr ran over to her. Nuffink caught up with a few of the other kids.

Hiccup was overseeing the work on the docks when the kids came over.

"Daddy!" Zephyr called. Hiccup turned and smiled seeing his kids.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Just playing, what are you doing?" Zephyr asked.

"Just working." He told her and smirked. "We're gonna head down to the bottom of the docks." Hiccup called out to the villagers helping.

"Can we come?" Zephyr asked.

"But Zeph, Mommy said we can't play on the docks." Nuffink told her.

"We're with dad and lots of other adults. She just doesn't want us going alone." Zephyr said and looked back at Hiccup with her bright blue eyes she got from her mother.

"Alright, but you need to stay near us." Hiccup told them

The kids nodded.

They all headed down the docks and the kids ran ahead to the bottom. Hiccup stopped part way down so they could look at how they were doing from the top and thinking if he needed to change anything.

The kids were at the bottom and Zephyr sat on the edge and leaned down to the ice.

"Zeph! Don't." Maya told her.

"It's fine. We play on the ice all the time." Zephyr told her.

"Not when it's starting to melt." Maya told her.

Zephyr tested her weight on it. "It's fine." She told her. Maya sighed and looked up where Hiccup and her own dad and some others were.

Zephyr slowly stepped further and further out. She got to a section about 30 feet away from the dock.

"Zephyr come back!" Maya called.

Zephyr took another small step and the ice broke and Zephyr screamed falling into the ice cold water.

"ZEPHYR!" Maya screamed.

"ZEPHIE!" Nuffink screamed as well. He tried to go off the dock and Maya stopped him.

Hiccup and the other adults heard them scream and his eyes panicked when he didn't see his daughter. He saw the broken patch of ice and started running down the docks.

"Somebody get Astrid!!" He yelled. He started taking off his cape and he took it with him. He got on the ice himself and tried to go as fast and carefully as he could.

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