Still Here

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I'm super proud of this one-shot and I hope you all enjoy it! 

Warning: May cause crying. 


Astrid was sitting at the table in her hut with a mug of mead in front of her. She was on her third mug of it and told herself she would stop after this.

She looked around her house seeing the disaster it was, still was in from over the last few weeks. She wiped some tears she felt falling down her cheeks and sighed. They came so much it didn't even phase her anymore.

One memory or thought would set them off or even set her off into a complete breakdown. She was running the village and raising two young children. Alone. She still couldn't believe it. He was gone.

It had been three weeks. Three weeks since the Chief of Berk was set off and burned in a ship towards the Hidden World - Astrid knew he would've wanted that. Three weeks since Astrid has been a widow. She still couldn't believe he was gone and would stay up late so much just waiting for him to come through the door to greet her and their children. To hug her. Kiss her. Touch her. To hear his voice again. Which was now just a memory in her mind.

"Mommy?" Said a small voice. Astrid looked up from the table to see her daughter.

"Zeph, what are you doing up?" Astrid asked her.

"I can't sleep." She told her mom. "I miss daddy."

"Come here, bug." Astrid said calling her daughter by the nickname Hiccup gave her when she was a baby. Zephyr walked over to Astrid and climbed on her lap. Astrid hugged her.

"I miss him too." She told Zephyr. "We will always miss him. But he's here with us. He'll be with us all the time. Even if we don't think so."

"Why did he have to die? We needed him." Zephyr asked her mom sniffing a little.

"He died protecting us. He died protecting me and to keep his village safe." Astrid told her.

They're had been an attack on New Berk and Hiccup got a group together and the gang to defend it. Astrid had gotten in a bad situation with the enemy and Hiccup intervened and ended up being stabbed in the process. Right in front of Astrid. Astrid partially blamed herself. She had fell to her knees and tried to stop the bleeding as some others took down the enemy. Hiccup grabbed her hands that were covered in his blood as she screamed. He looked up at her choked out some words here and there about her needing to lead. Make sure the kids knew he loved them. That he loved her. Astrid was sobbing at him to stop talking like that and he was going to be fine. She told him she loved him too. Kept trying to stop the blood.

Hiccups body had stopped moving. Astrid moved him. Saying his name. The others came and gathered around her seeing their Chief, son and friend, still on the ground. Astrid screamed his name and shook him telling him to wake up. Heather approached her gently.

"Astrid...." Heather said putting her hand on Astrid's shoulder. Astrid shrugged it off and threw herself over her husband's body. Screaming for him.

They stood there, everyone in shock and having their own tears fall. After some time. Valka walked over to Astrid and tried to move her off of Hiccup so they could take his body back to the village.

Astrid screamed at them, at everyone to leave her be. Leave them be. Valka took charge to get things and people in order and it had been a while. Astrid didn't know how long. But everyone had left except Heather, Valka and Gobber. Heather walked back to Astrid who was now laying beside her dead husband.

"Astrid, I know you don't wanna leave him. But the kids... they're asking for you. No one has told them yet." Heather told her friend gently. Astrid stood up slowly. She looked at them and wiped her tears away, smearing Hiccup's blood across her face.

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