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"Sҽαɱʂƚɾҽʂʂ ϝσɾ ƚԋҽ Ⴆαɳԃ"

𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝐬𝐭, 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟐

  Once more the Black family was making their way to platform 9 ¾ but this time all three of the children were pushing trolleys that held their trunks, and cages for their pets in the twin's case. Saiph had a fluffy black kitten she had named Cosmo and Regulus had a slender Coachwhip snake he named Medusa. They made their way to the platform between 9 and 10. Similar to the year before Sirius was the first to enter. Saiph followed closely with her father at her side. Regulus and Walburga taking up the rear. No matter the fact that Saiph had seen the Hogwarts Express last year it was still quite a sight to behold. Saiph's attention was pulled when she heard someone loudly call her brother's name. She turned to see a black-haired boy with wire rimmed circular glasses. Her brother ran to his friend and they both disappeared into the crowd.

  Saiph turned to Regulus; her enthusiasm was clear on her face. Regulus was supposedly just as excited he had told her the night before yet in the moment, he seemed bored. That is until he noticed his sister looking at him and he shot her a tight-lipped smile. Saiph's smile slightly dropped but she didn't let her brother's apathetic nature get her down, so she turned to her mother gently hugging the stiff woman. Walburga seemed to get even more tense when she hugged her, which Saiph didn't notice. Walburga patted her daughter's shoulder and bent down so her lips were close to her ear.

  "Make me proud, and watch your weight, you are getting a bit....round," the cruel woman hissed. Saiph stiffened at the mention of her weight. It was a touchy subject one Walburga had been pushing the past few years. Yet Saiph still nodded and pulled away. Relieved to not be in the clutches of the woman anymore. She turned to her father, not even attempting to hug the man. He may have a soft spot for her but was very insistent that none of his children hug him. Instead, he patted her head for a split-second and then went back to being uncaring. Saiph sighed but left her brother behind and made her way to the Hogwarts express. Her brother's goodbye was so short he had caught up with her by the time she made it to the train. They handed over their luggage to the man loading them. Saiph kept her small messenger bag with her that had some treats, her robes, and a few books. They boarded the train and found an empty compartment to sit in. They sat on opposite sides of the compartment. Immediately Saiph grabbed out a sugar quill, not bothering to offer her brother any knowing he hated the sweet.

  They sat in the compartment for a while until Regulus' friends came in, Saiph quickly got her things and decided to leave. It's not that she didn't like her brother's friends, but they just weren't her favourite people to be around. She bid a soft goodbye to her brother and wandered trying to find an empty compartment. She unfortunately couldn't find one and instead found one with only a few people in them. She peaked into one and saw a red-haired girl and a black-haired boy. They seemed friendly enough, so she opened the door a bit. Both the occupants looked at her, the boy looked almost annoyed whereas the girl had a bright smile. Saiph's hands became sweaty as she wrung them.

  "Hi, could I sit in here with you?" Saiph asked nervously and then continued, "There aren't any more empty compartments."

  "Yes of course!" The redhead said scooting over and patting the seat next to her. Saiph sighed in relief and sat down, "My name is Lily and that's Severus, what is your name?"

  "I'm Saiph," Saiph replies, still quite nervous.

  "Wow, like the star?" Lily questioned. Saiph nodded, "That is so cool."

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