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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝐬𝐭, 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟏

  They walked into the crowded station maneuvering their way through the business suits and sleek dresses. They make their way to the area between platforms 9 and 10. A young boy with curly black hair is the first to run into the pillar and disappear into the hidden station. An older man nudged a small girl who had similar features as him. His face was hard with several wrinkles and her face was innocent. Her big doe eyes contributed to this innocent look she had. There was no doubt that if she widened those eyes, she could make the most serious man soften. The older male's expression clearly softened the moment his eyes came into contact with hers. He gently grabbed her hand and asked, "Are you ready kitty?" The young girl hesitated for a quick moment looking at the wall and then back at the man. She nodded softly and they walked through the wall. Only a few seconds later they emerged on the opposite side of the wall where the young girl was met with a beautiful sight.

  The platform was packed with all kinds of people. Some in muggle clothing and some in more eccentric fashion that was more suited for the wizarding world. She saw a beautiful red train that seemed to sparkle under the Sun's glance. While she admired the sight two more people appeared behind her and her father. It was a woman who despite the wrinkles that appeared over time remained handsome. By her side was a younger boy who looked just like the young girl. His hair being the only difference other than their gender. His hair was darker, and shorter than the girl's. The young girl continued to look around the station as the small family followed the boy with black hair. The woman swiftly fixed a strand of the girl's hair when they came to a stop near the Hogwarts Express and her hand came to the girl's back forcefully fixing the girl's slightly slouched posture.

  "Posture Saiph. We have a reputation to uphold," the woman slightly hissed. The young girl, Saiph, fixed her posture and released the man's hand from her grasp, folding her hands in front of her.

  "Yes mama," Saiph said quietly. The woman looked pleased and ensured all of her children were presenting themselves in the correct manner. The man however seemed displeased and had a scowl. He did not say anything but made sure the woman saw he was displeased.

  "Walburga, Orion." A man said walking towards them. Both adults turned to look at the man. Orion's scowl seemed to worsen, and Walburga's serious look softened in just the tiniest bit where if you hadn't known the woman well you wouldn't have seen it.

  "Cygnus," Walburga said as her youngest brother placed his hand on her shoulder. "Here to send Narcissa and Andromeda off?"

  Cygnus nodded as said girls walked over with their mother in toe.

  "Cissa!" Saiph exclaims, rushing over to her cousin. Narcissa smiles and embraces her youngest cousin. Walburga goes to say something to her daughter about her immature behavior but her husband's tight hold on her upper arm stops her. She glares up at Orion but keeps her mouth shut.

  "Hi Regulus," Andromeda says, approaching Regulus giving him a small side hug. Regulus smiled and leaned into his cousin's side. The other boy looked almost offended as no one said hi to him.

  "Well, I suppose I'll tell myself hi since no one else bothered too. 'Hey Sirius, excited for Hogwarts?'" Sirius said mimicking a high-pitched voice when he said hello to himself. Saiph giggled, pulling away from Narcissa and instead hugging her older brother.

  "Hey Sirius, excited for Hogwarts?" Narcissa smirked as Andromeda repeated their cousin's words in an extraordinarily monotone voice. Sirius smiled in an exaggerated way, placing a hand on his chest.

  "Oh, my dear cousin Dromeda, I'm positively thrilled," Sirius responded dramatically, fanning himself with his hand until Walburga pinched the back of his neck as a sign to stop and remember where he was. He stopped and turned to face his mother, their eyes meeting in a silent battle. Their intense staring match was cut off by Cygnus' deep voice.

  "It was nice seeing you, Walburga, but I'm afraid we must get the girls on the train. Come girls," Cygnus says, walking away his wife a few steps behind. Andromeda waved as she followed and Narcissa gave a parting hug to her favorite cousin and waved at the remaining people and hurried to catch up with her family.

  After they walked away Walburga began to fuss over Sirius making sure he was presentable. He groaned about her messing up what he deemed his 'luscious locks'. Walburga didn't care about his pleas to leave him alone; she would not allow her son to ruin her pristine reputation. As Walburga was finishing up, they heard a loud voice echo in the station that the Hogwarts Express would be departing the station in 10 minutes. All of the family members took this time to say goodbye to Sirius. Orion nodded at his son with a meaningful look on his face conveying the silent words to make him proud. Walburga pulled Sirius close in what would seem as a motherly embrace to others but to the Black family it was clear this was a way to quietly talk to her son.

  She hissed orders into his ear about how he was to uphold their reputation as the eldest of this family and how he must be sorted into Slytherin just like their entire family had, and most importantly to not associate with anyone who was not of their purist belief. Sirius rolled his eyes as he pushed away from his mother turning to his siblings. He first turned to his younger brother pulling the ten-year-old boy into a tight embrace. Sirius refused to admit he'd miss his younger brother, but he would. The Black siblings were always a tight-knit bunch so being away from each other for so long would be difficult. Sirius was sure it would be easier next year when his siblings would join him but unfortunately it was still an entire year away. Sirius whispered to his brother to take care of their sister and that he would be back before he knew it. Eventually the brothers separated with Regulus having cloudy eyes and he moved to be next to his mother. Saiph stepped forward and practically jumped into her elder brother's arms. Sirius gladly took his younger sister into his arms.

  "Good luck in Hogwarts Siri!" Saiph said her voice portraying she was excited for him, but it was clearly masking a layer of sadness that he was leaving.

  "Thank you Saiphie," Sirius said in response his voice also had a twinge of sadness. When he heard the sadness that was prevalent in her voice, he held her tighter. That seemed to make Saiph's smile drop as tears began to brim in her eyes.

  "I'm really going to miss you," Saiph mumbled into his chest. Sirius sadly smiled and pulled back from the hug holding his sister by her shoulders.

  "I'll be back for Christmas," Sirius said.

  "Do you promise?" Saiph said.

  "I pinky promise," Sirius teased, holding his pinky out, shaking it side to side. Saiph laughed and wrapped her pinky with his. They heard the train whistle which was a warning to all students who hadn't boarded yet, so Sirius took his pinky away and gave one last grin to his siblings and boarded the train. A few minutes later the family saw Sirius waving at them from a window in his compartment. Saiph waved back and then Regulus followed her actions. Both children waved at the train until it left their sights. Saiph and Regulus stopped waving and joined hands following their parents out of the station apparating home once they were out of sight of muggles.

Layla Speaks

So, I did a thing and decided to rewrite everything :). I also changed the face claim to Morena Baccarin because I feel as though it suits the character better and Phoebe Tonkin seemed to be a little bit too young for the age Saiph is in the beginning of the Harry Potter Series. If you read this story the first, I published it, you can definitely see the difference. This entire chapter was fully rewritten, and a lot of the mood boards were as well. Oh, also the actress who portrays Saiph when she is younger is Crystal Reed. That's about it for now but I'm working on new chapters for the majority of my projects, but I start band camp tomorrow, and I start my college classes in 3 weeks. So, it will probably be very few and far between. Besides that, I love you all. Stay safe make sure to vote if you liked the chapter and comment something funny because it always makes me smile. Much love <3

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