First Time

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Kat POV - Sunday, June 19

I woke up to the feeling of a weight on my chest. I opened my eyes to see my three dogs. Noticing I was awake they started licking my face.

"Oh god, really you three," I said, as I slowly pushed them off me. I sighed as the three dogs continued to look at me. I notice one of my cats, Lily, watching me from the doorway. They are probably waiting for me to let them outside. I sighed once more and slowly got out of bed. I walked out the door and down the hallway to the sliding glass door on the other side of the living room and let the animals out. I left the glass door cracked for them to come back in when they wanted. I hear a small bark behind me and see Trever's dog, Arlo, probably hungry. I went and filled the pet bowls and then walked over to the stove and put a kettle of water on.

I walked back to my room to get dressed and checked my computer for any important emails. I didn't really see anything of importance, just a few annoying emails from a man by the name of Agent Fowler. He started contacting me about 3 years ago, and even though I don't do the same job anymore, he still contacts me wanting me to work for his division. I had moved on from my forensics work to just do things related to art. I did art commissions and took photos. I got tired of seeing dead bodies so I left for a more peaceful life.

I walked back to the kitchen to continue making the rest of breakfast for both me and Trever. Alyssia most likely already left, I could make her lunch and bring it to her though. I walked past their rooms to see that both of them are still here. Oh yeah, Alyssia had a long night last night, so she was allowed to sleep in today. I guess it will be breakfast for five then. I walked back into the kitchen, catching the kettle before it started screaming, and turned on the coffee pot for the two of them. I made my hot chocolate and took a sip, sticking my tongue out at the hotness. I started making the batter for pancakes and pulled out both bacon and eggs. It was rare for all three of us to be home in the morning, so I was making the most of it. I hear the ding of the coffee machine, saying it was done making the coffee. I heard the patter of feet, I smiled a small bit.

"Good morning, Star," I say to my daughter. I turn towards her and see that her brother is not too far behind.

"Oh, and good morning, Comet," I say to my son.

"Morning, mom," they both mutter. Probably just got up, it was a Sunday so they were allowed to sleep in today, but they still woke up around 8.

"Do either of you mind waking up the other two?," I ask, sending a small smile towards them. Their tiredness magically disappeared as it was replaced with mischievous smiles instead.

"Got it," both chimed and quickly ran back down the hallway. I chuckled a small bit and started putting the food together and put it on the table. I started to set the table as well, I should have done this earlier, but had forgotten. I hear the sound of thuds and laughter. Well, it seems like they woke them up. I smiled and continued with what I was doing. I hear the sounds of feet coming my way.

"I'm gonna get ya," I hear Alyssia say, as I hear the sounds of my childrens' laughter.

"Mom, help, the tickle monster is after us," both Altaïr and Jamie called towards me. I chuckled a bit as the two of them used me as a shield to stay away from Alyssia.

"Okay, okay, if you don't hurry now breakfast will get cold," I said with a smile, seeing Trever make his way down the hallway, dressed for work. The chaos quickly depleted and everyone sat down to eat. We chatted about small things happening in our lives. When finished, Trever did the dishes before he headed to work and Alyssia got dressed and followed after.

"Mom!," I hear Altaïr shout. I look towards her as she holds up a crystal. A small blue crystal. We had gone on a small walk through the woods behind the house and she had found a decent sized hole in the ground that had blue crystals in it.

"It's pretty, Star. But please come back over to my side," I said. Altaïr nodded and quickly put the crystal in her pocket and came back over to my side. I hear a sound echo through the forest. It sounded like an engine shutting down, and not any engine, but one of a plane. There is no way for a plane to land in this pretty dense forest. Altaïr made it to my side only for the three of us to hear another sound that was much closer. I couldn't exactly pin this sound down, but when we looked towards where the sound had come from, we saw a giant metallistic being. It looked down into the hole that Star had been at just a few minutes before. My heart dropped into my stomach, I was quick to hide me and my kids behind one of the bigger trees. I peaked around once more towards where the being had been to not see it anymore. It probably went down into the hole. I looked towards my kids.

"Mom, did you see that? It looked so cool, but so scary," Altaïr whispers to me. I smiled a small bit and nodded. Cool, but scary. Yeah, that described the being we had just seen.

I hear the sound of a small engine and slowly freeze. I look up to see a giant metal bird? I quickly covered my children from the bird and tensed up. The bird flew around us and landed a few feet from us. It tilted its head. I tilted mine the same way, slowly moving my children behind me, putting myself between them and the bird. The bird made a sound and then took off towards the hole, going down into it. I released a breath, I didn't know I had been holding, and quickly grabbed my kids and headed back towards our house. Once we made it into the house, I slowly collapsed to the floor.

"Mom! Mom!," I hear both of my kids call out. I slowly look up at them and pat their heads.

"Let's not go back into the forest for a while, okay?," I said with a small smile, they both nodded and I slowly lifted myself off the ground. I did my best to not look completely disturbed and went back to my daily chores. Though ever since that day, I swear I could sometimes feel eyes on me and I didn't like it.

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