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Kat POV - Friday, July 1

I went out for a small hike today. The kids were at their summer camps and my roommates were at work. I wanted something new to draw. I remembered seeing a small trail that went off in a different way that unfortunate day. I had finally overcome the fear I had felt that day. I wasn't gonna let some unknown being keep me from enjoying the views that this land gave me. I sighed at the thought.

I finally found the trail I had seen that day and pulled out some yarn. I tied the end of the yarn to a smaller tree trunk and started down the trail. If I got lost or off the trail, I would have the yarn to lead me back to a familiar area. I walked down the trail for about an hour. I had to pull out the second yarn ball I had and continued on. It was worth it though. I got to a point and heard running water. There was a small stream, looking down the stream there was a small flower field. The flower field contained yellows, reds, purples, pinks, and even some oranges. I took out my camera and took a picture of the stream and flower field. I made my way towards the flower field.

Along the way, I hear a sound, this causes me to freeze in place for a second. I then realized it was a cry, and not just any cry. It was a cry of a child in pain. My heart squeezed and I slowly made my way towards the sound. I stopped once I made it to where the sound came from, dropping what was left of the yarn ball.

Three little metallic babies?

One looks eerily similar to the giant being I had seen about 2 weeks before. While the other two seemed to be a bit bulkier than them. I slowly made my way over towards them, trying my hardest not to scare them. The one with a golden face was the one who was crying. One of their, what seemed to be, wings was bent awkwardly compared to the other one. I felt a sense of pain and sorrow for the small one. While making my way towards them, I stepped on, what I would guess was, a branch causing it to crack and the three of them to look my way. I was immediately met with tiny weapons pointing my way.

I held my hands up in defense, "hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just heard your little friend's crying and was trying to find the hurt child," I say. They at first didn't seem to buy it, but they lowered their weapons a little. I was able to come a little closer before being held at weapon point again. I waited until they were comfortable once again and stepped closer to check on their friend. I had noticed they all seemed to have scratches all over them, nothing too bad luckily.

I knelt down and held the gold faced one up close to look at their back. While looking around and carefully touching around the wing, after a little bit of wincing, the gold faced, metallic child fell asleep in my arms. With the checking I had done, I had finally come to a few conclusions. Their wing was badly turned, it looked like the easiest way to fix it was that it would have to be replaced or the poor child would have to feel the pain of it being forced back in place and wrapped to make sure it stayed. That thought made me shiver. This is no good, even if I wanted to help this child, the tools to do so were back at my house that was a little more than an hour walk away.

I looked towards the other two children as I picked up the injured one, "can you please come with me? I have the tools to help your friend, but they are back at home. I apologize, but it is gonna be a very long walk," I said, trying to explain. The two of them looked at one another.

"Your statement seems logical," the one who was purple stated. What an odd speech. I secured my hold on the one with the golden face and stood up, preparing myself to carry the golden one back home. The smaller one nodded and they both followed after. I led them back to the yarn string and we made our way back to my home.

By the time we had gotten back to the house, I had learned quite a few things. One, these small beings were Cybertronians and technically they would be called sparklings cause they were so young. Two, I had been told their names. The one with the logical speech was Shockwave. The silent and smallest was Soundwave. And the one that I held until he woke up, was Dreadwing. Which Dreadwing had wanted down after he woke up and he walked the last 20 minutes to the house. Three, they weren't originally this size, supposedly they had been reverted back to their sparkling days though they were able to keep their 'adult' mind, for the most part. They still acted quite a bit like children though. This statement being proven by the fact we almost lost Soundwave cause he got distracted by a butterfly. Four, Soundwave was in fact the giant being I had seen a few weeks before. And five, those crystals I had seen were their food source/blood. Which I found odd, but didn't question.

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