Adjustment and Clarification

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Kat POV - Thursday, July 7

It had been almost a week since the sparklings showed up. There wasn't too much of a difference in life, well, except for the fact that I now had children at home when everyone else is gone. I didn't realize how much I missed having little kids around. I now usually never have alone time unless I have to go to the bathroom. Other than that, I had at least one of the sparklings at my side. The ones that stuck to my side most of the time were Soundwave, Shockwave, Dreadwing, or Predaking. Though at the moment I was focused on making lunch, today I decided to make Chicken Spaghetti. I finally had it all prepared and put into the pan. I was about to put the pan in the oven before my phone went off. Who in the world? I quickly make my way over to my phone and put it on speaker, walking back over to the oven to continue,

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Carroll, where are you?"

"That didn't answer the question I asked you."

"*sigh* It's Agent Fowler. Where are you?" I put the pan in the oven and set the timer.

"I'm at home making lunch, why do you ask?"

"You still live in a really wooded area, right?"

"Yes, why?" I noticed Soundwave had made himself comfortable on the counter next to the phone.

"I don't know how to explain this over the phone, but you need to get out of that area. There is something dangerous just a small walk from your house."

"And how old is this warning?"

"....." I shook my head. My dogs would have been barking if they sensed even the slightest bit of danger.

"Fowler, I asked a question." I heard a few voices in the background.

"It's about a week old. Three dangerous beings were near your home, but their signals disappeared."

"Then I don't have to worry about it." I looked at Soundwave. I have a feeling he was talking about them.

"Carroll. Please, it's best to leave the area still. We..."

"Who is we? Because those voices I heard in the background don't sound familiar. Also if the signal was not that of MECHs, I should be fine." Soundwave tilted his head. I felt a presence beside my leg and looked down to see both Shockwave and Dreadwing.

"*sigh* Kat you know that it's most likely classified and..."

"And so were most of the bodies I examined in my previous job. I promise hearing of alive beings won't shock me as much as looking at their unmoving corpses."


"There are a lot of things you guys never told me and y'all wondered why I wouldn't take a job from y'all."

"I find it best for the both of us that you might want to let us switch her over to the main system." I hear an unknown voice say to Fowler.

"Optimus," I heard Shockwave say beside me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Who is that?," I whispered as I turned off the speaker and looked towards Shockwave.

"Leader of the Autobots, our enemies," Shockwave whispered back. I hummed and nodded. I turned the phone back on to the speaker.

"Hello Ms. Carroll. My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots." He went on to explain things that I had known about and a few things I didn't know.

"So you were wanting to tell me about how you got a signal of three Decepticons near my home. And to watch out for them." I looked at the three sparklings. I was now holding Dreadwing on my hip and the phone was set back upon the counter.

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