Changing Back

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Kat POV - Friday, July 22

Ratchet came yesterday, saying something about finding a way to change the Decepticons back. I noticed that the Decepticons seemed relieved. I was happy for them, but part of me didn't want them to leave. I didn't want to focus on the negative emotion, but I can't hold it back either. I learned the hard way that it wasn't healthy.

"Well, I found out what caused them to become sparklings," Ratchet started. I didn't really listen to what he said. I did take notice to the point that he said that he would have a solution for them by the end of the week. I hummed at that. So I had until the end of next week left to spend with them.

Friday , July 29

It seems like I'm not the only one who was dreading today. Everyone was at the house waiting for Ratchet to show up. Jamie had a grip on Predaking as they watched what was on the TV. Altair was playing a board game with Shockwave, Megatron, Breakdown, and Starscream. Trever was in a conversation with Knockout in the kitchen. I sat in the recliner holding Dreadwing and Soundwave also watching TV. Alyssia sat on the sofa focused on the book she was reading. I try not to think about what will happen today, I try to focus on what's playing on the TV. The thought of losing the sparklings stays on my mind. They had promised that they would still visit even after becoming their original size, but it still felt like I was losing them. I sighed at the thoughts on my mind, and I felt both Soundwave and Dreadwing snuggle into me more. I think the sparklings all knew that the rest of us dreaded this day. Mostly because they have been attached to us just as much as we have been attached to them, the past few days.

I hear my phone go off. I take my time to get over it. I place both Dreadwing and Soundwave down in the recliner and then finally make my way to my phone. I pick it up and sigh, yep, it was Ratchet.

"Hello?" I start.

"The solution is done."

"Shall we meet at the flower field again?"

"It would be best."

"Then I shall call you when we get there."

"I will wait."

I look towards everyone. I realized that all of them were focused on me. I chuckled a bit before my face went back to being neutral.

"It's time to go," I say, smiling a bit.

We took our time getting to the flower field. I laughed at the difference. The day we went to the flower field for Jamie's Birthday, we had to call a few of them back because they ran ahead with excitement. Now, we all walked slowly and in one solid group. It was obvious now that everyone dreaded what was to come.

I called Ratchet once we made it to the field. It didn't take him long to come through the newly appeared portal. I waved at him. I noticed he seemed a bit shocked. I don't know if it was because we were all there or if it was because all the sparklings stood behind me and my roommates, not seeming to want to come close. I felt the grip on my pants legs and I smiled a bit, I would miss them dearly. I looked down to see Soundwave and Dreadwing gripping onto my pants, I patted their heads and looked back towards Ratchet.

"We are ready dear," I say, trying to sound as happy as I could at the moment. Ratchet seemed unsure, but nodded.

Most of the sparklings were unwilling to take the shot. Making up as many excuses as they could. I chuckled a bit at that. Breakdown didn't seem to be a fan of needles, I understood that. I showed him the technique that I did. I sat there and sang 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', encouraging Breakdown to sing along with me. He started to sing with me and I gave a thumbs up behind his back and Ratchet was able to give him a shot. I chuckled a bit when Breakdown said he was ready for the shot, only for me to clarify that it already happened. He seemed shocked by that. Star and Comet laughed a bit at Breakdown's shock. Mostly because I had done the same with them when they were younger. I was shocked to see that I had to do the same thing with Soundwave, I was happy though. It still felt like I had my little ones.

Ratchet said it would take a while before they reach their original size. Maybe, about an hour, was his suggestion. I nodded and waved him goodbye. We stayed in the flower field. I kept forgetting that I hadn't made my left arm back. I needed to work on that. I spent the past week spending time with the sparklings. I smiled a bit as the sparkling continued to do their own things, waiting for the solution to kick in. Star and Comet got tired and were now laying down on my legs. It would be a walk home and quite a few hard goodbyes.

Star and Comet woke up at a good time to witness the sparklings change to their original sizes. I could feel my children shake from excitement. Star and Comet seemed complex. I understood their feelings though. Were we allowed to have the same relationships with the Decepticons that stood before us? They weren't the sparklings anymore. Predaking walked forward and leaned his head down. Comet smiled and petted the giant metal dragon. I also took notice of the complex feelings that flashed through all of the cons' eyes. I smiled a bit.

"You are welcome to visit anytime you would like. Though I will ask that you announce yourself when you do come," I said, continuing to smile. The cons' faces went from being complex, to quite a few of them flashing me a smile.

The goodbyes were hard, but the memories would last forever.

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