There's more?!

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Kat POV - Friday, July 1

Well, they seemed to like apple slices for sure. Soundwave followed after me into the kitchen when I went to make dinner and watched me. I had informed my roommates that we had three more little ones staying with us. They hadn't answered back yet, though.

"--- What --- are you making --- , Kat," Soundwave asked, taping together different recordings.

"Penne Pasta, it's a decent filling dish. I had to pull out a recipe book for it though," I said with a small chuckle.

"Ooo, mom, you gonna make Texas Toast too?," I hear Jamie ask, peaking over the counter towards me and Soundwave. I chuckled a small bit.

"Yes. There will also be Texas toast," I said with a small smile.

"Can I help, mom?," I hear Star ask. I nodded.

"--- Can I help, mom?," Soundwave asks, with the same sentence that Star had just said. I laughed a small bit as Star looked at him in shock. Star makes some movement and I notice she is mouthing 'my voice has been stolen.' I laughed a small bit at her.

"Yes, you may also help," I said with a small smile. They both quickly made their way over to help.

We had finished the Texas Toast, so I popped them in the toaster oven because the Penne Pasta was still in the oven. After I did that, I got a call from Alyssia. I answered the phone and started,


"Uh, well, it seems like you're not the only one who has brought new housemates."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, there was a dragon-like animal brought in by the shelter. And well, it's not a normal animal, it was made of metal. So I volunteered to bring it home, well, after I convinced the others for me to bring it home. Though as I was on my way home, I almost hit two other little ones in the road."

I laughed a small bit. I had sent a picture of the sparklings in the roommate group chat to show what our new housemates looked like.

"It's not funny, Kat. I literally almost had a heart attack."

"I know, I know. The three I found gave me a heart attack at first too. Be careful on the rest of the way home then."

"Oh, I'm almost to the driveway. So I'll see you in a second." I hear some noise in the background of the call and Alyssia telling someone to sit down.

I laughed a little bit more, "I'll see you in a few then."

"Yeah, see you.... Hey! I said sit..." I hung up the phone, chuckling a bit. It seems like the ones she found are a little wild. I look back towards my kids and the three sparklings I had. Jamie and Star had introduced them to her favorite game, Uno Attack. Dreadwing almost destroyed the machine earlier whenever it shot out the cards towards him.

I hear the oven go off and I head over towards the oven to check the pasta. I hear the front door open as I pull the pasta out, I hear the sound of steps quickly making their way down the hall. These are then followed by a thud and a cry in the living room. I put the pasta on the stove and look over the counter to see two other sparklings. I raise an eyebrow as Alyssia finally comes out of the hallway.

"Are you two okay?," I ask. I hear Alyssia mumble something under her breath, I noticed a third sparkling not too far behind her. I could guess it was the dragon one she had told me about.

"Well, welcome home, I guess," I said with a small chuckle. Finally making my way fully into the living room. Alyssia slowly made her way towards me.

"Lord Megatron?," I hear both Shockwave and Dreadwing say from the coffee table. My kids also peaked from behind the couch. I feel Alyssia lay her head on my shoulder.

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