Act 4 Running in the Dead

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"It's dangerous to go outside! Do not go outside of your car no matter what! I repeat! Do not go outside of your vehicle no matter what!" 

(y/n) sighed as she lay against Kohta as they both watched the cars drive by them slowly. They had made it to a spot for people trying to escape the city. 

"If we move any slower we'll be going in reverse," Psyco said as she sat next to Tagaki. 

"I'm not sure if we can cross the bridge before dawn." Everyone grimaced at the comment and looked down sadly. 


Kohta gasped and grabbed at his stomach while blushing in embarrassment. 

"Shut up be quiet your so disgusting!" Tagaki yelled out angrily causing (y/n) to glare at her. 

"Oh shut up pink pie we're all hungry and tired here!" 


Everyone paused and turned to look out of the window seeing the police guards shooting at a zombie walking towards them. Once it went down another emerged followed by another. (y/n)'s eyes shut tightly as she looked down and hugged herself causing Kohta to look at her worriedly. 

"It's ok." Both teens looked up seeing the teacher smiling in front of them. He smiled and hugged (Y/n) close to his chest while he placed one of his hands behind her head, softly petting it.

"Don't worry my darling, you have nothing to worry about." (y/n) stiffened and tried to pull away but his grip around her tightened. 

"M-Mr Shido I'm fine!"

"It's ok dear, you don't have to lie to me." He licked his lips as he squeezed her tighter feeling her chest press against his chest. 

"Get off of her," Kohta mumbled causing the older male to shift his gaze toward him. 

"What is the matter, Hirano? I'm just comforting a young scared female. Do you not want me to do that?" Kohta glared and tapped his weapon on his thigh slowly. Thinking of ways to kill the male painfully. 

"Yea Hirano! That's not cool man!" 

"Can't you see she's scared?!" The student in the back called out but it fell on deaf ears. (y/n) shook in the older male's embrace as she pulled away having him bend his face in front of hers. She looked at him uneasily as she felt his hot breath on her face. 

"I-I'm ok now teacher." (y/n) spoke having the older male frown and tilt his head to the side trying to seem innocent. 

"Are you sure Ms (L/n)?" 

"Of course she's sure," Kohta spoke as he continued to glare at the older male. Clearly seeming pissed beyond limits. "She wouldn't have said anything if she wasn't." (y/n) glanced at him before quickly putting her hand on his and rubbed his knuckles with her thumb. 

"I'm fine now Mr. Shido." She repeated causing him to look at her and smile. 

"Wonderful." He patted her head and turned and walked away back to his seat causing the female to shiver in disgust one last time before turning her attention towards Kohta.

"Kohta, you ok?" He didn't look at her but slowly slid his arm around her shoulder and hugged her close causing her to blush. "K-Kohta!" He turned to look at her and gave her a small smile causing her to smile back and lay her head on his shoulder. 

"Get some sleep," He whispered causing her to frown and look towards the back. "Don't worry, he won't touch you again." She looked back towards him before smiling and snuggling up against him causing him to blush and smile. 

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