Chapter Five , Streets of the DEAD

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3rd Person Pov

Kohta followed the silhouette of the females as they made their way up the stairs and onto the bridge but ultimately stop as they were swarmed by zombies.

"I-I think we would have been a lot safer on the bus!" Ms. Shizuka yelled as she started to back up along with Tagaki. (Y/n) and Psyco looked towards each other before nodding and taking off in different directions, beating and slicing the zombies that started to get too close.

Kohta turned towards the right and started to shoot the ones coming toward him. He frowned as he watched the number of nails in his gun begin to get low.

"Hey, guys! I'm running low!" He called out not noticing a zombie standing next to him, ready to bite off a chunk of his cheek.

(Y/n) quickly ran towards his side calling for him to duck. He turned and gasped before quickly going onto his knees. She jumped over his back, thrusting her sword into its head, and pushed it to the ground with her falling knees first onto its chest. She looked up seeing three more 2 feet away from her but were all shot down head first by Kohta.

"There's too many!" Tagaki screamed as two were closing in on her.

"No!" Ms. Shizuka yelled as she jumped on top of the pink-haired female bringing them both to the ground. The blonde shut her eyes tightly as she shield Tagaki and waited for the pain but it didn't come. Everyone paused and turned towards the side hearing the rumbling of a motorcycle and watched in surprise as Komuro and Rei appeared flying through the sky. 

Rei jumped off and rammed her broken broom in between the zombie's heads while Komuro landed next to Psyco and tilted his bike sideways, hitting and bringing down all the zombies before turning his attention towards Kohta and (y/n) as more zombies came from their direction. He started to drive towards (y/n) as he reached into his back pocket. 

"Hirano!" The chubbier male turned towards him and gasped as something black and shiny was thrown at him. He caught it with one hand and gave it a quick look over before a wicked smile stretched onto his face. He aimed it forward and shot twice missing Komuro by two inches but it's not like he was aiming to kill him just the zombies behind him...right? 

(y/n) quickly stood up and turned seeing him making his way towards her causing her to smile. 

"Give me your hand!" She nodded and outstretched her arm having him grab ahold of her hand and pulled her along, making to make a U-turn causing her to twirl into the air and slice the zombie's heads clean off in one swipe while he kicked two others over the bridge. Everyone sighed with relief as all of the zombies were eradicated in the area. 

"Looks like it's all clear for now," Psyco spoke as the group started to walk closer to each other. 

"MS. SHIZUKA!" Rei cried as she ran into the female's arms happily causing her to cheer and hug her back. 

"Miyamoto what a coincidence your back! You to Komuro!" He smiled as he walked his bike over and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"This must mean tokunosu bridge is also blocked." He turned to look at Psyco and frowned.

"Right there's no way out." She nodded and sighed before smiling at him. 

"I have to confess, I'm really glad you're ok Komuro." Rei puffed her cheeks and slightly glared at the female while Kumoro thought nothing of it and gave her a nod. 

"I'm glad you're ok too." Tagaki frowned and grabbed his arm and pulled it towards her chest with a blush. 

"What about me?!" He nervously looked at her and laughed anxiously. 

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