Chapter One

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Pain, Sadness, Anger, Depression

All the emotions (y/n) (l/n) felt as she silently cried to herself on the school balcony. All the memories came flooding back, the lies, the arguing, the cheating, the breakup, everything. It clouded her mind, destroyed her senses, and hid her feelings. Her eyes filled with tears making her eyesight bad. She tried rubbing her tears away but they still fell. 

"Hisashi, what did I do wrong?" She muttered to herself crying silently."Hisashi," She spoke again before collapsing onto her knees, not carrying if they got bruised or scratched, it didn't amount to the pain in her chest or the way she gripped her chest as he tried to remember how to breathe. "H-Hisashi." 

"(y/n), are you alright?" She gasped and slowly turned her head to look into the male's concerned deep brown eyes. He frowned and slowly walked over before sliding down next to her on the ground. 

"Kohta, what are you doing out of class?" He looked towards her before giving her a small smile. 

"Well, my best friend was not in class, so I went out to look for her." She sniffled and bit her bottom lip before bringing her knees up to her chest to hide her tears. He frowned and slowly patted her head before bringing her into his embrace. "(y/n), Look at me and tell me what's wrong." She sniffed and slowly raised her head to look back into his eyes.  

"Hisashi, Hisashi and I, we broke up." He looked at her blankly before bursting into fits of laughter causing her to look at him in disbelief. "Kohta! are you seriously laughing right now??!" He chuckled and whipped away a tear before smiling. 

"The (y/n) I know wouldn't let a man tear her down like this! She would have been kicked his ass." She sighed and stood up causing him to raise an eyebrow in confusion. 

"You don't get it Kohta, have you ever been in love with someone so much that seeing them with another person physically hurts?" He frowned and stood up before turning his face to the ground and looking down at the ground. 

"Yeah, I have." She sighed and whipped away her tears. 

"At least he could have told me he was cheating! It sucks that I had to find out by looking through his phone and his constant lies, I should have seen this coming!" Kohta looked up at her surprised before starting to feel his anger boil. 

"W-Wait, he cheated on you?!" She chuckled and leaned onto the bar, allowing the cold crips wind to blow against her skin. 

"Yeah, guess I was too stupid to realize that someone would actually fall for me." Kohta watched as the wind whipped through her hair showing off her perfectly beautiful face. He was filled with rage, a rage that would only be clenched by the blood of Hisashi Igo. He chuckled darkly to himself and looked up taking in a deep shaky breath. He tightened his fists having his palms turn white. Here in front of him is a beautiful girl who got her heart broken by a man who didn't care about whose heart he'd break as long as he got laid. Kohta turned around ready to walk away and find Hisashi only to stop as a scream was heard by the school gates. "Kohta look!" He ran over towards (y/n) and gasped seeing the P.E teacher biting miss Elza's face off. Kohta grabbed (y/n)'s hand and ran through the school halls. 

"ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! Violence has broken on our campus! Students should evacuate the campus according to their teacher's instructions.  I repeat! Violence has broken into our campus! Students should evacuate campus-" The speakers went silent causing Kohta and (y/n) to stop running and look up at the speaker in utter horror. "HELP! SAVE ME!" Kohta growled and grabbed (y/n)'s wrist and ran down the hallway. 

"We got to get outta here before the panic starts!" They turned the corner seeing Tagaki with her arms crossed. "About time your fatass showed up!" Tagaki lifted up her glasses and then looked towards (y/n). "Who's she?" (y/n) glared and crossed her arms. 

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