Chapter Six

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I open my eyes and immediately shut them against the harsh light pouring in through my window. I can hear Mama Rosa brewing her coffee downstairs, humming to herself - Mom's gone to the little shop we lovingly call 'the bank', an old vampire who raises his farm animals for their blood. They live long and happily, and from time to time he hosts petting zoos. She's picking up some pints of lamb's blood, our favorite to have when we host other vampires - we haven't hosted in a while, however. Since before I was in high school.

I wander into the kitchen in just my pajamas and rub my eyes. "Morning, Mama," I yawn.

"Buenos dias, princesa," she smiles, sipping her coffee. "How was your day yesterday?"

I slump into the chair next to her and lean my head on her shoulder. "Bien. Being stuck with Arson for an hour was weird, but... He's actually not all that bad."

"Really?" She sips her coffee. I can smell her perfume - she always smells of flowers, with the underlying scent of a doctor's office. I've grown to love it. Just under the floral scent is the sharp metallic smell of blood that makes me realize I need to have some breakfast. Her laptop sits open in front of her, and I can see the blue, red, and gray tones of the website that vampiric doctors use.

"Yeah. Got any classes today?" I stand and make my way to the laundry room - that's where the "back freezer" is, where we keep our blood supply. It's just been refilled, and the bags are all labeled with the animal and blood type they are. Mom goes out once a month to hunt - it's cheaper than going to the bank all the time, and pretty soon I'll start going with her. I take out my favorite - Rabbit, type AB - and pour the contents into a mug and pop it in the microwave.

"Yes, but just a short one. I should be done before your friend comes over. Since you and Arson are on okay terms now, do you know what sort of vampires his family is?"

I take my mug out of the microwave, humming in thought. It's weird to think of me and Arson being friends already, but it doesn't feel necessary to correct her either. "His father is a Bloodborne, and he's a half-vampire."

"Huh, I didn't know many Bloodbornes had halfling children. Must have been an incredible human. Oh, listen to me, I sound like Victoria." she chuckles.

I smile. It isn't really my place to tell Rosa about Arson and Aldon, so I just sip from my mug. I walk into the living room and sit on the couch, flicking the TV to the local news; a new restaurant has opened, and it seems like the bobcats are being uncharacteristically aggressive lately. I purse my lips and take out my notebook, studying to the sounds of cooking shows and weather forecasts. A couple hours pass, and I hear my mom's car pull into the driveway; I pull my robe on, walking out to help her carry in the cooler. Once it's inside, I move the blood bags to the fridge, and Mom and Rosa exchange a kiss.

"Well, Claire," her hand lingers for a moment on my shoulder before she folds them over her stomach. "Did you patch things up with Arson?"

I purse my lips. "He's still... really weird. And I don't think we're going to be besties or anything, but he's not so bad. I regret slapping him, even if it was an accident."

"How about you go figure out what you want to wear, and then tidy up before they get here?" Victoria presses her lips to my head and I hum, savoring one of her more affectionate moments.

"Okay." I make my way to my bedroom and open my closet. I want to wear something nice, but comfortable, in case Arson wants to take another walk. Maybe my white jeans, and my nice blue blouse. Victoria gave it to me a while ago, and it still fits - it was one of her favorites, and even though it doesn't look like it, it's pretty old. I like when she gives me her hand-me-downs; it makes me feel like I've been a vampire as long as she has.

Arson and Claire - Vamp-peersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ