Chapter Eight

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For the next couple days that Arson and I hang out, we find ourselves walking on eggshells around each other, talking about anything other than the attack - or the kiss. The tension is undeniable and it's starting to make my skin crawl; we're walking back to his house after school when he nudges me gently,

"I haven't heard any more about what happened at the fair. Maybe your mom was right, maybe they've left by now." he rolls his lip between his teeth. "I could tell you were still worried about it."

His eyes are so sincere I can't muster up a sarcastic response; instead, I sigh. "It's just... nothing ever happens around here. Something about it just felt off about the whole thing. And who was that 'she' they were talking about?"

"I've seen a lot of human feeders," Arson frowns. "They do that. They go around in little groups, swiping people up." He then rushes to add, "but it never lasts long, they always get caught. And I doubt they'd want to stay in such a small town like this, it's impossible to lay low."

Somehow it does little to ease my nerves. As we make our way inside, Aldon greets me cheerfully and hands us each a cup of deer's blood - it's not my favorite, but I'm thankful for it anyway. I'd been too upset to drink much, and the irritability and lightheadedness of being malnourished was beginning to sink in. Arson leads me up to his room, which is really just an attic with furniture, but it's nice and cozy, and I sigh a weary breath I wouldn't dream of letting out anywhere else. He sits on his bed and I sit on the floor, and silence envelopes us once more.

"So," my eyes find his, and he looks away, his voice dropping to a tense murmur. "I've been... meaning to talk to you."

"Yeah," I swallow thickly, "I know."

"I just want it to be clear, I really, really like you. You're the coolest girl I've ever met, honestly, and I love being with you. You're funny, and sweet, and- and really pretty," his lips twitch into a smile, and he looks back to me. "But..."

"But...?" I coax. He sighs, turning his attention to a hangnail, then his chipping black nails. He clears his throat. The tension is tangible, and I want to claw at it.

"But I don't... think... I'm attracted to you."

"Oh, thank God," I let out a breath and comb my hands through my hair, then jolt up, "No, not– you're great, but... I was gonna feel so bad if you liked me."

Arson laughs and lets out an anxious breath, falling back against the bed. "Same here. Don't get me wrong, I love you."

"You better, I got detention for you," I grin.

"We cool?" Arson gave me his lop-sided smile.

"We're cool." I smack his knee playfully. "But I'm mad we didn't talk about it sooner. I've been stressing about it since it happened."

"Me too," Arson moans pitifully. "I'm so not cut out for the whole romance thing."

"Oh, tell me about it," I groan. "Everyone else is so crush-crazy, it makes me feel weirder than normal. What if we just get married, for tax benefits?"

He grabs his sketchbook and taps his pencil against his chin. "Ask me again if I'm a hundred and still unmarried."

"Do half vampires live to a hundred?" I blurt, and feel like an idiot immediately.

"Oh, geez, were you taught anything about vampirism?" Arson sighs. "Halfies live to be about five hundred. Full Bloods, seven hundred, and Bloodbornes can get up to a thousand. Turned vamps usually live the same as they would as a human."

"Oh, yeah," I laugh awkwardly. "Right... I guess I've been living a life so detached from other vampires, I don't really know much about them."

Arson looks at me with an earnest expression. "It's not too late to learn."

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