Chapter Thirteen

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I'm cramming my stuff in my backpack as the bell rings, and I meet Claire at the front entrance as we walk home. She's typing away on her phone.

"So," I smile. "What are you going to wear to homecoming?" she slides her phone in her pocket;

"Well, working out so much has made me gain a little weight, and my figure changed. I'll probably have to get something new to wear. We should go shopping together!"

"I don't know," I sigh, "I hate shopping. Too many chances to get outed."

"I'll protect you!" Claire smiles, putting her hand on her chest like some sort of knight. "Besides, almost all the shopping malls around this place are unisex. Please?"

"Will I get a dinner out of it?" I smirk.

"I can have you over and I'll ask Mom to make some blood pudding?"

"Deal. Let's put our stuff at our places and meet back up?"

"Sounds like a plan!" We split off on our street, and I walk up the porch steps and through the door. Aldon is sitting on the couch; he doesn't have his glasses on, and his eyes are baggy. He's looking intently at his phone.

"Hey, Aldon," I call so I don't startle him. He jumps a bit anyway, but relaxes when he sees me.

"Arson," he smiles wearily. "How was school?"

"Pretty good," I slip my shoes off. "There's a dance on Friday, Claire and I were going to go shopping for some clothes, and then I'll have dinner with them."

"Do you need some money?" He's reaching into his pocket already, but I shake my head,

"No thanks, I still have some left over from my summer jobs." He nods, and runs a hand through his hair - it's not pulled up like it usually is, and the wispy ends fall down his shoulders. I hazard a softer voice, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," he sighs, then sits up, patting his knees with an invigorating clap. "Yes, thank you, Arson. Just a little tired. I'll have a shower, that should perk me up a bit. Be back home before ten, since it's a school night. Other than that, have fun, and text me if you need anything." He stands and walks to his room, leaving his phone on the couch. I can't help but look at the screen as I walk past.

It's Nightly News - that app he's always on. It's on an article about a wave of turned vamps, last seen crossing through-

The phone goes dark, and I click my tongue and sigh. Why would Aldon be looking into it without telling me anything?

I pick the phone, chewing my thumbnail. We've always respected each other's privacy, but... this could be important. I type his birthday in the password bar - nope. I try mine - nothing. I sigh and toss it back on the couch, walking up to my room and putting my backpack down, running my hands through my hair and plucking my cigs off the nightstand. I go back outside and meet up with Claire, who's changed into a blouse and jeans. She holds my folded clothes out to me,

"Here you go," She smiles.

"No, it's okay, you keep them. They suit you,"

"Oh," she smiles, rolling the clothes up and setting them in her purse. "Thanks! Are we ready to go?"

"Lead the way, princess."

We walk until we're in a more populated area, where the brick stores have large windows framed with wild ivy, mannequins on display and chalk-board signs advertising sales inside.

"I know that a lot of these places aren't really your vibe, but here's a little goth-ish shop," she says, taking my hand as she leads me into a red-brick building that's blasting something by Arctic Monkeys. I grin,

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