Chapter Sixteen

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When I wake up, Arson and Jackson are still asleep on the palette we made on my floor. Arson has his head leaning against Jackson's shoulder, and I smile, yawning as I stretch my aching back. I can smell breakfast cooking downstairs - eggs and something I don't recognize the smell of. I stand, carefully stepping over Arson and Jackson as I make my way to the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast, mama?" I rub my eyes.

Hazel stands over the oven, holding Rosa's severed head by her hair.

"Oh, good," she smiles. "You're awake."

I jolt out of bed with a scream, and Arson and Jackson sit up.

"What?" Arson's teeth are immediately bared, "What happened?"

I push my hair from my face as I pant, shivering despite the sweat dripping off of me. After a quick look around the room, Arson sits on the bed beside me, and rubs my back to try to quell my shaking.

"It's okay, hey. Breathe, Claire, it's okay, everyone's okay."

"I can't," I gasp. "I can't do this, it's too much."

"Jackson," Arson says, "can you go grab one of the bottles of blood from the fridge?"

"Yeah." A moment later, I hear the door close; Arson looks back at me,

"It's okay, look at me. You're okay, just breathe. Don't tense up," he rubs my back.

"I stabbed someone last night," I taste salt from my tears. "I could have died, you could have died, Sophie–" I hyperventilate on a new round of sobs, "Oh, God, Sophie's dad did die!"

Arson takes my hands from where they'd tangle in my hair, pulling them to his chest, "Focus on me, okay? Don't think about all of that at once. Come on, breathe with me. In," I feel his chest swell with his breath, and I try to mimic it, but it gives way to more trembling sobs,

"I can't,"

"You can, Claire, I promise. In," he breathes again, and I pull one quick breath in, "There you go, now out," he exhales and I follow.

"In through your nose," he says softly, "Out through your mouth." He breathes with me for a while, until the door opens again.

"There wasn't any in the fridge, but I found where they kept the bags and heated one up. Is it better warm?"

"That's fine, thank you," Arson takes the steaming mug and grabs a tissue from my nightstand, handing it to me. "Here," I take it and wipe my face, sniffling. "There. Now take some sips before your adrenaline runs away with you,"

I take the mug, the warmth stimulating me enough to ground myself. I take a sip, and my whole body aches with it; I finish it all at once. "I'm sorry," I gasp.

"It's okay," Arson rubs my back. "You're stressed. Nobody is mad," he leans in and presses his lips to my head. I let another fit of shivers run their course before setting my mug down, pressing the heels of my palms against my eyes.

"I'm okay," I whisper.

"Are you sure?" Arson frowns.

"Yeah," I bring myself to stand, ignoring the way my legs shake. "Let me get dressed,"

Arson looks at Jackson and nods. "Alright. We'll meet you downstairs," they walk out, and I stare at the door for a moment, my vision blurring. I brush my hands through my hair and take a shuddering breath, walking to the closet.

When I make my way down to the kitchen, wearing a tank top and shorts, I let out a breath of relief to see Rosa cooking eggs for herself and Jackson.

"Princesa," she smiles. "Your mother is waiting in the yard for you after you've had something to drink."

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