Chapter Seven

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A knock on the door startles me and I nearly spit out my drink, pulling my robe on tight over my pajamas as I open the door. Arson smiles lopsidedly at me and glances down at my robe,

"Not too early, am I?"

"No," I chuckle, "I've just been lazy. Had something to drink yet?"

"Yeah, I- oh," Rosa appears like she's been summoned, drink in hand, placing the steaming cup in his.

"Here we are, Arson. Make yourself at home," she smiles, turning away to go back to her laptop. I spare him an amused glance and we sit on the couch.

"So," he sips his drink, blood on his lip until his tongue swipes it away. "I thought before we went to the fair, you could show me around town a little. What do you think?"

"That sounds good," I smile; my eyes dart from the ichor in his eyes to the floor. the hand he had held was still warm, and my stomach tingles like butterflies - I wasn't exactly sure what it was, if I had a crush or if I was just nervous around other vampires. I'd never really liked anyone before, I only dated Jackson because everyone kept telling us we made a great couple, and we saw how that went. Still, maybe having a crush on another vampire would be different?

Victoria walked into the living room and blinked at us. "Hello, Arson. I didn't know you were coming over."

"Oh," I feel my cheeks heat, "I'm taking him to the fair, and to see the town a little."

"That's good. I'm glad that you're making some vampire friends," she sits in a chair, crossing her legs and opening her book; Mama walks over and presses a kiss to her cheek before settling down in the chair beside her with her laptop and textbook.

"Yeah," I turn to Arson. "My family, the Hills, and Mr. Teller are the only vampires in town."

"Huh," Arson muses. "There were more in Wellsboro. At least six families."

"Vampires don't like it much here, though I can't imagine why." Victoria smiles. "It's a lovely little place."

"Arson, do you want to help me pick an outfit for today?" I ask, setting my now empty mug on the coffee table. Arson's eyes widen,

"You know I won't put a thread of pink on you, right? You willing to make that sacrifice?"

I smack him with a throw pillow, "You're ridiculous. I have more than just pink clothes."

"Do you?" He gestures down to my - regrettably - pink pajama set. I fluster,

"You know what? Forget it, you can sit with my moms and pretend to be polite." I stand, and he follows me, laughing.

I close my bedroom door behind me and open my closet. "Take a look." Arson walks up to it, looking through the clothes I have hanging up. "I have some in the dresser, too, but don't look in the top drawers."

"I've seen girl's underwear before, princess. I'm not going to have a seizure over lace." He tosses a pair of black jeans onto the bed and I cringe. Is he going to make me look all... goth-y? Maybe this was a bad idea. But just as I'm about to interrupt him, he tosses my favorite sweater onto the bed. It's pink. He wanders over to my jewelry box, picking out a short necklace with a butterfly on it, and the matching earrings. And, finally, my tennis shoes. "How's that?"

I glance over the outfit, then to him. "It's... not bad, actually. I like it, I think I may have worn this same outfit before. I thought you might-"

"Make you look like me?" He smirks as he half-sits, half-falls onto my beanbag. "Cute, soft feminine is cool, and it works for you, even if it's not my cup of tea. I don't want you to change how you dress."

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