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Seonghwa arrived back home for only a couple minutes until he got a call from Wooyoung. Shit I forgot I had my location on.

"Literally what is so important? Hello? Son of a bi-"

"Calm down, mister! I saw that you're finally home so I was wondering if you'd like to go out to eat with me and Yeosang later!"

"Woo, I don't eat." He facepalmed himself. He really was the most stupid person on this whole entire planet he felt.

"Then just come hang out! You know what I meant. You can tell us about your amazing date you had today. Oooooo!!~~" Jeez, he doesn't shut up does he ever?


"Yeosang, I'm telling you this dude is kinky. He's got some up his sleeve, I feel. Seonghwa doesn't believe me but I have a feeling that after what we're about to hear it's only going to prove me right again."

"What is your obsession with him being kinky? He's not your boyfriend is he?" Yeosang replied with his brows raised, trying to talk some actual sense into Wooyoung.

"Sorry, hyung. Please, tell us what you guys did. Tell us the juicy details." He smiled.

"Well. . . It wasn't anything big. He wanted to try this yogurt place so I bought him some, thankfully he liked it because it was like $20 for a Large-cup with 5 toppings. I had told him I searched up this place he might've liked so I took him over there and he sure did like it." Seonghwa looked proud and amused with this.

"You've got to be missing something. No intimate moment or dramatic kiss scene? Boringgggg. . ."

"Oh shut it, Woo! It was our second date! I only sweet-talked him in the dressing room, it only led to a make-out session." He looked away to avoid eye contact with them, both looking shocked at each other. Wooyoung jumped up and down in his seat while Yeosang mocked little kissy noises.

"Holy shit- Breaking news, 120 year old vampire Park Seonghwa finally gets some action in his life!"

"Probably more than you've ever gotten, that's for sure. If you want your hands in Choi San's pants so bad why don't you make a move? Just because he's popular and handsome doesn't mean he isn't a regular human being. Well, Ghoul but whatever." Seonghwa replied with slight annoyance in his tone. He was right, but it wasn't easy to get that man alone. That man was surrounded by his friends 24/7.

"This isn't about me, Seonghwa. You didn't have to do me like that. . ." Yeosang almost spat out his drink. Wooyoung seemed extremely embarrassed, he was staring at the ground and nothing else with his ears turning red.

"Imagine getting roasted so bad by someone this old."

"Okay, yeo. Don't go too far I'm not even that old for a vampire, know your shit." Seonghwa rolled his eyes at both of them, still working on his first glass of wine.

"If it makes you feel any better, Woo, I heard a little rumor from a little someone that San has actually had his eye on someone. It could be you, that's all I'm saying. The way he interacts with his other friends doesn't really give off I-like-you vibes. You never know, maybe you've got a secret admirer as well."

"Hwa, I'm not even friends with him that's the thing! We've only interacted like THREE TIMES."


Only two days later they were back in school, at lunch, but this time Hongjoong was invited to sit with them. No not by Seonghwa, by Wooyoung. . .

"You really don't have to, the rest of us don't eat at lunch usually so it might be like uncomfortable for you. Plus all we do is play card games and-"

"Seonghwa, I promise. It's fine. I would love to sit with you guys, Thanks Wooyoung." Hongjoong smiled while putting his lunch platter down. The tables were more rounded so everybody spread out evenly, but Seonghwa purposely scooted towards Hongjoong to be extra close to him. Wooyoung got a little scary playing Uno anyway, wouldn't want to scare him off.

"I can already feel you playing your mind tricks on me, I bet you know what color I have. Huh, Magic man?" Wooyoung spat with attitude.

"Just because you've never won uno against ANYONE does not mean I'm a cheater, Jung Wooyoung!!" Seonghwa snapped back, placing down a draw 4 right away. The turn went to Yeosang and he doubled it. It already looked bad for Wooyoung and they started 10 seconds ago.

"Oh now Yeosang has powers? What a society we live in. . . You see this, Hongjoong?" All he could do was laugh, quickly stuffing his face with grapes so he had no time to respond.

"I mean, throwing down cards like nothing without thinking first is going to make you lose 90% of the time. Have some strategy, at least."


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