Chapter 4- Tension

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The betting den was in full swing this morning as bodies filed in through the red door. Every Shelby and their trusted workers were busy trying to keep the den in order as the bets rolled in. Lana amongst the crowd was trying to keep the money in order along with Scudboat as all the grubby men chucked their money over. 

"Lana, a word." Thomas's voice boomed just as Lana set the stack of cash into the money box. A sigh escaped as Lana turned around and sent a nod to Scudboat that she'll be as quick as possible and that he can handle it for a few minutes before Lana makes her way through different workers and towards Thomas's office where he stood watching her.

"What is it Thomas?" Lana requested as she walked past Thomas who held the door open for her and into his office. The curtains were shut blocking out any light and cigarette smoke lingered in the air along with the dent of whiskey. Lana turns around to Thomas who shuts the door and beckons her to take a seat. 

"Lana there's no need to look worried. I just wanted to warn you and make known a plan that is in place." Thomas announced as he slumps into his chair with a smirk. Lana takes a glance over him before settling into a chair on the other side of his desk. 

"And what exactly is this warning about?" Lana replied with a slight tone of warning to her words. Thomas stares at her with a interested smile on his face and Lana almost thinks he's entertained by her small pool of anger bubbling underneath the surface. Connecting his hands together, Thomas leans forward like he's making a business deal with Lana causing her to shake her head at him. 

"The Lee's are declaring a war with us due to the fact that me and the boys cut some of their family members." Thomas began allowing a pause for Lana to interrupt if she wanted but all she did was lean forwards and mimic his actions. "See they insulted our mother but I purposely caused a problem with them as I have a plan that starts with them." Thomas finishes and waits for Lana to say something. 

"This plan better be good, Thomas." Lana expressed feeling herself become annoyed at the foolish actions of the boys. Thomas nodded as he leans back in his seat and pulled out a cigarette. 

"Lana you know I prefer to be called Tommy especially from you." He commented and Lana grinned as she remembered all the memories they held. She knew they weren't over but she was unsure of what was their relationship status was although in that moment she didn't care as she reminisced over the past for a couple of minutes.

"Very well Tommy. What's this business plan then?" Lana smiled as she plucked the cigarette from his plump lips and rested it between hers, taking a drag of it as she waited. Tommy smiled at her as he admired the woman who he had loved.

"The Lee's are at war with Billy Kimber as well, I want Billy Kimber's race tracks and cooperation so if we fight a war with the Lee's and grab the attention of Kimber then we can mend ties with either of them and take over Kimber." Thomas explains plainly leaving Lana's mouth agape as she goes over and over the plan Thomas has made. He can't be serious Lana thinks as she finishes the cigarette and stubs it out. 

"That doesn't sound very thought through." Lana points out as she stands up and goes over to the closed curtains. With one yank the curtains move aside and the bright light of Small Heath floods in, letting Lana look out over the working streets behind the Watery lane houses. 

"That's the shorter version. If I explained the plan in detail then we would be here for the next 24 hours, love. I did you a favour." Thomas assured with a smirk and Lana nods in response to him. They stay in silence as Lana watches over the different hard working people and Thomas watches over the woman he loves, admiring her and her beauty. 

"Don't you think it's foolish? We have family to be looking out for, The Lee's could hurt them." Lana asked as a new rage settled over her. She stood going through her thoughts and the short conversations hey had just had and Lana couldn't help but see how foolish this plan was. Thomas sighs in annoyance as he watches the woman spin around and glare at him. 

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