Part five

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The battle goes well for the most part, it's surprising how well Giyuu and Himejima are able to fight together. Everytime Himejima attacks, Giyuu is able to easily maneuver himself through the tangles of chains to deliver swift slashes of his sword.

But Giyuu is only human, he's allowed to make mistakes, so when he swings a bit too early, an arm curls around his throat, shoving and launching Giyuu backwards.

When Himejima hears the impact of Giyuu's body hitting the trunk of a tree, he turns towards the general area of where his companion is, alarmed.


Himejima cuts himself off with a grunt of mild surprise.

When Giyuu pushes himself up he realizes Himejima had been struck with one of the spiked tentacles the man from the village had spoken of. Right in the exposed skin of his left forearm. It's disgusting to see the way the long limb throbs, injecting something into Himejima's bloodstream.

Giyuu has no words, and his grip tightens on the hilt of his sword, ready to attack. But Himejima beats him to it, the sounds of chains breaking the tense silence, and a dull thud hitting the ground.

Himejima he...took that opportunity to swing his axe and decapitate the demon. Despite having just been pumped with who knows what.

Himejima grabs the spiked appendage and rips it from his arm, breathing heavily as he drops it to the floor with a barely audible thud.

Giyuu stands, sheathing his sword. He makes his way over to the disintegrating head, mouth sadly not having gone yet.

And what a mouth this demon has.

"No no no! You two were supposed to fuck! I was supposed to eat you both! We would have had so much fun together!" it screeches.

Giyuu grits his teeth, rears his foot back, and fucking kicks the head as hard as he can, watching as it just launches away from him, a trail of smoke and ashy embers in it's wake.

"I wasted so much aphrodisiac on that big guy! This isn't fair!"

Giyuu can't hear the demon anymore once it's out of ear shot, but he doesn't care. His blood immediately runs cold as he comprehends what he just heard.

Aphrodisiac. Shit, that's right.

He turns on his foot, and jogs over to his fellow Pillar.

"Himejima!" he calls, worry gnawing at his chest when seeing the big man huffing and puffing, supporting himself against a tree. His usually calm face is twisted in discomfort, brows furrowed closer, skin flushed and clammy. Are the effects of the aphrodisiac starting to get to him already?

"I can't believe this." Giyuu runs a hand through his messy hair in disbelief. You would think that after the demon was done for, the effects of the aphrodisiac would go away, but...

"I believe...the demon had...human made aphrodisiac flowing through their system..." Himejima offers, pulling out his prayer beads to try and think of anything else that wasn't the heat coursing through his body. He could cry, but he could sense Tomioka was already on edge as it is, so best he doesn't.

Giyuu nods. That makes sense. He bets if it was only a small dose, it wouldn't have even affected Himejima at all. But no, the demon admitted to pumping him with loads of aphrodisiac, and it's very much obvious that it's having a serious effect on him. If him panting and his flushed state wasn't enough proof, surely the massive tent forming in the pants of his uniform will do the trick, right?

Giyuu swallows.

"What do you want to do? Are you okay to walk?"

They're in the red light district after all, surely they can pay someone to attend to Himejima's needs for the night. As for what Giyuu will do...maybe he'll see if anyone here sells dishes with salmon.

As if he sensed what Giyuu was thinking, Himejima shakes his head, sliding down the tree he was sitting on until he's sitting on the floor.

"No, no leave me here..."

Giyuu blinks. "Alone?"

"Yes. not wish for civilians to have to tend to something like this."

Next chapter will contain nsfw
Word count 702

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