Part seven

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When Giyuu awakens, he finds himself in a small cot in a room. Alarmed, he quickly sits up, wincing at the pain that courses through his body. Wow, it's been a long while since he's felt so sore after sex. Sore, but on the bright side, he also feels clean.

A hand, big and firm yet gentle, eases him back onto the cot. Himejima sits at his bedside, head turned in his general direction. Giyuu blinks, then swallows. Oh man is his mouth dry. Sensing this, Himejima feels around on the bedside table, soon offering him a cup of water. Giyuu has to sit back up, pushing through the soreness, to take the cup. He drains it all in one go. Strands of ink spill over his shoulders as he places the ceramic back on the nightstand. He clears his throat.

"We're...?" Giyuu's voice is still raspy.

"I rented us a room in one of the inns here in the red light district." Himejima answers. "I'm aware a wisteria house would have been more ideal, but," he clears his throat, he looks almost bashful, but Giyuu chooses to blame the sunlight pouring through the window for messing with his sight, "considering what happened last night, I'm sure we would have made some sort of sight for sore eyes."

Ah. "Do you remember what happened last night?"

Himejima is quiet for a moment, thoughtful, before shaking his head.

"Not all of it. I can remember a bit after I had beheaded the demon, but it's mostly hazy afterwards. I can only imagine the stress you felt for taking care of me."

Giyuu looks down, realizing he's wearing a robe provided by the inn. He pushes a portion of fabric from his skin to examine the damage done. Somewhere along the line, maybe on the third round, Himejima started to use his mouth. So now Giyuu's fair skin blossoms red and purple from bite marks and hickies. Save for the marks, and the soreness, he's really fine.

"I'll live." he mutters, pulling the fabric back to cover himself. His eyes trail to Himejima's arm, where the demon struck him. He notices slight scratches along his skin that came from Giyuu himself, but it's the bandage that catches his attention.

"How's your arm?" so occupied with other things, Giyuu hadn't even taken the time to properly analyze the damage done to his own comrade. Some Pillar he is.

"I was able to have a doctor check it. The puncture is surprisingly small, and save for a bit of the standard fluids coming out, so I should be fine. But I'll check in with Kochou once we return."

That's fair. Even Giyuu would trust Shinobu's word more than some random city doctor.

Giyuu begins to push back the blankets on his cot, eyes scanning for his belongings. Surely Himejima must have collected them for him?

Once again, Giyuu is pushed back down by a gentle hand and he's tucked back in.

"Once you've rested a bit longer, we can head out."


"You were just returning from your own mission when Oyakata-Sama had sent us out, weren't you?"

Giyuu stayes silent. Himejima continues.

"I surely didn't make things any easier. I know my size is...overwhelming. Take it easy a while more."

A moment of silence follows. Giyuu notices Himejima is waiting, expecting a response. He sighs, waving a hand Himejima can't see before throwing an arm over his eyes.

"I'd rather not have an audience while I sleep." despite his hesitance, Giyuu is thankful for another hour of two of shut eye.

Giyuu hears Himejima stand, the wooden chair he sat upon creaks in relief.

"Tomioka," Himejima starts, still at his bedside, "I promise I'm...a much more gentle lover." He sounds embarrassed.

Giyuu huffs, before rolling over, back facing the older man. "Coulda fooled me." despite his nonchalance, inside, Giyuu feels warm just thinking about the events of last night. Not only did they manage to defeat the demon, but Giyuu got pounded into blissful oblivion. And on top of that, he gets to sleep in. It's been forever since he's had such a lucky streak.

As Himejima's heavy footsteps begin making their way out of the room, Giyuu realizes he would totally do this again.

"Maybe you can show me how gentle you can be next time."

The footsteps stop. There's a long pause, until,


Word count 739

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