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Jiang City, late autumn, 5:30 in the afternoon.

    The sun was covered by the clouds at some point, and the sun was trapped in the thick clouds, struggling to reveal a few rays of afterglow.

    Zheng Shu Yi lay on the table for a long time, cold sweat bursting out of her forehead.

    The clear ringing of the mobile phone was particularly refreshing amidst the mechanical and dense keyboard sounds, pulling Zheng Shu Yi's consciousness out of the chaos.

    "Hello, are you Zheng Shu Yi, reporter from Caijing Weekly?"

    Zheng Shu Yi answered the phone lying on the table, holding his nerves up and speaking: "It's me, may I ask who you are?"

    "I'm the president of Mingyu Bank. Assistant Chen Sheng, a month ago, your journal and Shi Yan Shi always made an appointment for an interview, and the original date was tomorrow, do you remember?"

    Zheng Shu Yi woke up instantly, and subconsciously straightened her back.

    Of course she remembered it.

    She had heard the name Shi Yan too many times in this period of time.

    In the beginning, he was well-known in the industry because he suddenly appeared in the financial circle as the son of Shi Wenguang of Mingyu Group.

    After returning from studying in Europe, he took over Mingyu Bank, a private commercial bank under Mingyu Group.

    This was not a good thing for the industry insiders at the time. After all, the bank’s operating status was already in jeopardy. Some financial critics even changed their serious words, thinking that it was Shi Wenguang’s use of half-baked subsidiaries for his son to play with. ticket.

    However, after Shi Yan took over Mingyu Bank, he sharply resolved the bank's over-reliance on deposit and loan business, prominent risks and other problems, pointed at the risk management and control mechanism, and acted vigorously to turn things around.

    The banquet at the age of 27 aroused the attention of the entire financial world, various honors came one after another, and interview invitations naturally also hit the hotline of the president's office of Mingyu Bank.

    Despite his early fame, there are very few interviews and reports about him.

    Even in the most mainstream media, it is difficult to get interview opportunities. If you can get a few words from him, it is enough to publish the most eye-catching pages.

    But this time, it was an interview that the editor-in-chief of the magazine had spent a lot of time trying to get through the relationship with all parties.

    When the editor-in-chief handed over this task to Zheng Shu Yi, the entire magazine was envious.

    How much attention the name "Shi Yan" can attract in the media also means how much attention the reporters who interviewed him can get.

    But now this phone call made Zheng Shu Yi's heart hang, and she asked cautiously: "Is there any change?

    " I won’t be free tomorrow.”

    Zheng Shu Yi: “After that…”

    “Maybe there will be no time in the next few days.”

    Chen Sheng said, “So if it’s convenient for you, is it acceptable to postpone the interview to a week later? ?”


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