chapter 4

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Your pov

"Morning sunshine"

I heard someone I groaned opening my eyes

"Sleep well?"

"Yeah I really loved the show to"

I said looking at my dad's corpse

"Oh sorry we didn't remove him"

"Nah it's fine"

I then stopped and looked at Shaw

"Why are you being nice to me?"

"I might be the Villian but I'm not the type to torture people,well some atleast"

I looked at him and I then saw his other teammates come in

"Clear the body"

Said Shaw walking away

"Aye boss"

Said the blonde haired man he picked up the chair that my dead dad was in and he walked away with it

I then saw the team sit and work on thier computers trying to find my team or whatever they were doing

I then heard a phone ring making me look for the phone I then saw a man pick up the phone and he brought it to Shaw I then saw familiar face


I asked she turned to me and she started at me shocked but then she looked away

"You,you and you go see what's happening and if he rats us out kill him"

I then saw Letty walk away with two other guys and I head a car start and I saw them drive off

I then saw Shaw walk up to me again I looked at him confused

"Can I help you"

"Yes you can give me information"


He smiled

"You really don't wanna betray your team?"

"They are like a family to me"

"Is your dog to?"

I looked at him shocked

"How do you know about my dog?"

"A Caucasian Shepard and his name is D/n pretty cute"

"If you hurt my dog I'll go John wick on your asses"

He laughed

"Don't worry I would never hurt a dog I'm not that evil"

"You better"

I said to him

"You love your team and your dog that's sweet I'd say you have a soft heart For them"

"Who wouldn't have a soft heart for a dog or even family"

I said to him

"And it seems that you know Letty"

I looked at him

"She was part of our team but there was an accident and she got hit and we thought she was dead but it seems she hasn't"

I said to him looking at the floor

"That must've been hard for Dom"

"It was now he will do anything to get her back even killing you"

He laughed lightly

"I would do the same"

I looked at him and we stared at each other then he cleared his throat and walked away I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I remember our eye contact

'no y/n!snap out of it!'

I then saw him sit by a computer after a while I saw them come back Letty and the other guy but the other guy was gone

"We lost Ivory he's gone"


"That's it?"

"If ivory's dead he made a mistake if you make a mistake,you pay the price"

"That's a great eulogy,Shaw are you going to give the same speech for the rest of us when we go out?"

I saw Letty walk past me I saw her look at me but then she looked away I then saw Shaw follow her

For some reason I felt kind of jealous but maybe that's just me I then saw one of Shaw's teammate come up to me

"Hello there sweet cheeks"

I glared at him I then felt him put his hand on my thigh

"Verpiss dich"

He looked at me confused

"What did you say to me?"

"I said Verpiss dich"

I said glaring at him he glared at me back and I felt him grab my jaw

"Now listen here sweet cheeks if yo-"


I heard Shaw ask him coming up to him

"I-i just went to ask her for information"


I shouted at him making the man glare at me I saw Shaw look at me then his own teammate

"Touch her again and I'll cut you like a fish"

The teammate nodded slowly and walked away

"Why did you protect me?"

"You are my prisoner not his"

He then walked away maybe he isn't that bad

Owen Shaw x readerWhere stories live. Discover now