chapter 8 (furious 7)

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Your pov

I thought he died but no he is still alive so I had to find out where his hospital was and that I did but the problem was that it is very heavily guarded so I had to sneak in

So I made my way to the hospital and saw the heavily guarded hospital so I had to grab a guard and had to pretend to be a guard by doing that I need to steal a guards uniform so I saw a guard walk by making me grab him and started to punch him then I kicked him and he passed out

'what a idiot he could've easily shot me'

I then started to undress him then I hid behind a bush and started to change when I was done I got up and grabbed he guys gun and walked into the hospital and I saw the guards look at me making me look down and ignore them then I made to his room and I saw nurses and a doctor they stared at me


They nodded and quickly left I then walked over to his side

'to think you are still alive'

I quickly put off the helmet that I had on then my mask

"To think you are still alive shocks me"

I said to him I looked at his body and saw his burn marks

"I thought you really died I still kept your necklace"

I said taking off the necklace

"And I have no idea if you will ever even wake up and if you do I'll try to come and visit"

I looked down on the floor

"And to think I fell in love with my kidnapper and I mean we only met a phew days ago,I was shocked you gave me this necklace and told me you love me I thought you were insane and I never thought I'd love you back"

I looked at the necklace

"When I saw you fall out of the plane I thought you really died but no here you are alive and healthy well kinda but that's not the point you have made me feel some kind of way and no man has ever made we feel this way"

I then stood up

"And I'll promise to never ever fall in love with any other man I will keep this necklace to prove it"

I then put the necklace back on then I put the helmet back on

"Farewell my love"

I then walked away and I saw the nurse and doctor come back

"Take care of him"

I told them making them nod their heads then I walked out of the hospital then I made it home and quickly took off the guards suit

I then saw D/n with mom making me smile I walked over and hugged her she hugged me back

"Hallo Mama"

"Hallo mein Kind, wo warst du?"

"Ich war im Einkaufszentrum, aber ich habe es nicht gefunden"

"oh ok ich muss jetzt los"

"Wieso, wo gehst du hin?"

"Ich muss etwas aus dem Einkaufszentrum holen und dann nach Hause gehen, und die Leute kommen vorbei"

I nodded then I hugged her goodbye then I smiled at d/n then I went inside of the kitchen I then heard a gun click making turn around and I saw a man wearing a suit and he was pointing his Gun at me

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Your little boyfriends brother"

"How did you-?"

"I know my brother and he always give that necklace to his little girlfriends"

I glared at him

"What do you want?"

"I want you to work for me"

"What makes you think I'll work for you?"

"If you don't she dies"

He said showing a picture of my mom

"I have a tracker on so if you say no I will kill her plus I also have a bomb on her so your choice"

"Fine I'll work for you"

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