chapter 10

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Your POV

I was in a long black slit dress I looked around the party and saw these kinds of people dancing and talking making me drink some champagne. I suddenly heard the music stop and I saw Roman making me sigh.

"Their here"I said threw my earpiece.

"Copy that"said Deckard making me sigh and I watched Roman sing and do some bad jokes making me sigh. But then some guards came in and tried to take Roman away but suddenly two woman crashed into the party and one of them was Letty.

I then saw Deckard come in making me walk over to him and he gave me a gun making me point it at the people making the scream. I then saw Deckard walk away making me follow him. I saw Dom in a rare car making me get a little jealous but suddenly I saw a window and saw Dom drive into it making me gasp I then saw Deckard load his gun and shot at the car exploding the end of it giving Dom more fire. I sighed in relief as I saw them escape.

Some time later.

Me and Deckard were hiding but it seemed they have found our secret place but this was all Deckards plan. He was eating while I was hiding I was holding my gun.

"I hope you're enjoying your last meal and where's your little friend?"I heard brain ask making me look down.

"This is it?this is all I warrant?a dozen men?"he asked.

"I think you'll find its more than enough"said a soldier.

"Well,come out"I heard Deckard say making me come out of hiding.

I then saw all of them point their guns at me.

"Reavel your face"demanded Deckard making me sigh and take off my mask.

"Y/n?"asked brain with shocked face.

"Shocker right?"asked Deckard smiling I then saw him wipe his lip with a cloth but suddenly I heard a click.

I then saw him holding my grenade making me look away.

"I'm ready to meet my maker. Are you?"asked Dom walking over.

"What were you expecting,Torretto? To catch us off guard?me standing here, waving a white flag?you have heard the saying, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'?"asked Deckard.

"I don't have friends. I got family"he said turning to me.

"Well,I got a lot of friends."suddenly lights turned off making me duck.

I then got up and turned to Deckard shocked this wasn't part of the plan. Suddenly I saw men run in making me turn to them and point my gun at them. I started to shoot at them I then saw a man get shot making me duck. I suddenly felt a pain on my leg making scream in pain and I held it.

"I said not her!"I heard Deckard shout.

I suddenly shook off the pain and walked over to a hiding and I saw brain.

"Y/n!"he shouted and hugged me.

"Ow,bad timing"I said.

"Oh right,come let's get you out of here"said brain as he put my arm around his shoulder.

I then was put in a car next to a man making me look at him confused. I was holding my leg to stop the bleeding and it hurt like hell.

"Hang on there you to"said brain.

"You didn't really think I was gonna walk in there naked,did you?"asked the man as I saw him with a vest.

"You got hit bad."said Dom.

I then decided to rip off the one sleeves and then wrapped it around my wound.

"Look, Toretto. I know you won't listen to me. You're not gonna want to hear what I have to say. But the truth is, you really ought to try that Belgian ale,man. It's something special"said the man making me look at him. That's nice choice of last words.

"Belgian ale, huh?"he asked making him laugh but then couched in pain.

"Hey, we gotta get you to a hospital."said brain.

"No, you're not. I carry my own health insurance. SOCM medics on standby. They're already inbound. Pull over kid"the man said to brain making him pull over.

I then saw the both of them get out of the car.

"Why did you do it?"asked brain making me look at him.

"He threatened to kill my mom, he told me he had a tracker on he and that he could kill her in heart beat"I said.

I suddenly heard a helicopter I then saw Dom come back in the car but he was in the front seat and then we started to drive away.

"A war is coming to us, whether we like it or not. If a war is coming, we're gonna face them on the streets we know best."said Dom making me sigh.

"Yeah but can we first get this bullet out?"I asked making Dom look at me.

"It's nice to have you back y/n"he said smiling.

"Thanks Dom"I said smiling back.

Some time later.

I was fixed up and now it was time to go see the crew or family.

"Y/n?"asked Roman walking over.

"Hey buddy"I said.

"Gurl I thought you were dead!"shouted Roman hugging me making me hug back.

We then separated and saw the rest of the family making me smile I then hugged Letty then Tej and then separated but then I saw a new face.

"Hi I'm Ramsay"she said smiling and holding out her hand making me take it.

"Y/n"I said I then took my hand away.

"Anyway gurl where were you?"asked Tej making me look away my smile falling.

"Deckard Shaw threatened to kill her mom if she didn't work for him so she had no choice but to work for him"said brain.

"Oh I'm so sorry gurl"said Roman making me look at him.

"It's fine atleast I have my family and hopefully my mom is save"I said.

"And let's get this stupid mission done"I said making them agree and we started to discuss the plan.

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