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Jaemin stirred awake by soft pats on his chest.

"Jaemin, aren't you going to go? I just heard Jeno head out." Renjun said.

Jaemin shook his head, laying back down.

"Jaemin." Renjun said again, poking his face with his paw.

"No, it's fine. That guy's a douche." Jaemin yawned, lightly pushing Renjun away from his face.

"So, you're staying?" Renjun asked.

"Yeah." Jaemin mumbled, closing his eyes and pulling the cover over himself. He was hoping to have a dream. He doesn't remember if he had one.

"Really?" He heard another voice.

He opened his eyes to see Chenle flying over his head.

"We all came to say goodbye, though." Jaemin looked down to see a mouse laying on his chest.

"Goodbye?" Jaemin frowned.

"Yeah, we assumed you would try and leave with that guy." Chenle said.

"I think Jeno expected it too; he left a little late." Jisung said.

"..." Jaemin looked at all three of them. Well, honestly, he had completely eliminated the thought of leaving with Dolsoe as soon as he started being inappropriate. Jaemin knew Dolsoe would take all credit of getting him home. Besides, Jaemin didn't think Dolsoe was strong enough to go against Jeno. Jaemin had seen how large Jeno could get as a wolf, and they would be no match against a horned, fanged, and clawed Jeno. Jaemin shuddered a little.

"He would've let you go, you know?" Renjun said quietly.

"What?" Jaemin searched his face, well, his fox face.

"Nothing." He shook his head.

"It's okay. I'll stay a little longer. I want to help you guys." Jaemin sat up in bed, surrounded by animals. He thought for a moment that he was like the princesses in books. They would talk to animals; Jaemin could literally talk to them, though they really weren't animals. They'd sing to birds or take care of mice. This is the kind of life he had wished for. The kind he read about, but actually being in the situation made him nervous.

"Help us?" Chenle chirped.

"Yeah, if you guys give me more info, maybe I could help you." Jaemin offered, sitting up more properly.

"If we tell you more, then you can't help us." Renjun shook his head, "It would ruin it."

"So...I'm just supposed to figure it out on my own?" Jaemin frowned.

"Well...Jeno is supposed to help you." Chenle laughed.

"But don't ask him!" Jisung said immediately.

"So he can't help me either, even though he's supposed to help?" Jaemin frowned.

"Why don't you try befriending Jeno. He might tell you on his own." Renjun suggested, but there was something snarky about his tone.

"Wow, that's smart." Jaemin heard Jisung whisper.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. You two could totally be friends." Chenle said.

"Friends?" Jaemin got quiet for a moment.

"Think about it. You're both smart." Renjun patted Jaemin's arm with his paw and jumped off the bed, reaching the ground with his human legs.

Jaemin had breakfast with them, then headed out to the stables with a couple of carrots and apples in a basket. His feet sank into the snow up to his ankles but he didn't need to worry about getting his pants wet. He wore his sturdy brown boots and the red coat from his closet with the white faux fur around the hood.

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