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"Jaemin." He felt his body be shaken, "Jaemin, wake up."

Jaemin opened his eyes to see Jisung standing by him. He glanced around to see where he was. He spotted the messy room he had left. His yellow coat was hanging on a hanger where he had left it, and he was laying on his bed. It was as if he had just had a long dream and had never left the castle.

"Jisung, you're here too." Jaemin looked him over. Jisung looked very nervous.

"I'm not sure what exactly happened to you," Jisung looked over Jaemin's face, staring hard at his head, "But, your mom told me to give you this," Jisung handed Jaemin a journal, "Then she fell asleep, so I started eating some of your berries. (I got a little hungry.) Then, out of nowhere, I was here. I didn't know your berries were magical."

Jaemin laughed a little at Jisung's rambling, finding it adorable. He glanced down at the jornal, opening the cover to find writing. He read:

"To my dear Jaemin,

May you use magic only with good intentions. You get what you give.

Your mom."

Jaemin suddenly snapped back and realized he had to do something about the situation he was in.

"Crap, what am I supposed to do, Jisung? Can you give me hint on how to break this curse. If we break it before they get to Jeno. They'll see that you guys are all just human." Jaemin scrunched up his hair in his hands, "I've been racking my brain for weeks, but I still don't know how to break the curse. Now, there's a mob on the way here, and they want to hurt Jeno. So...what do we do?" Jaemin looked at Jisung with worried eyes, waiting for a response.

"Um...I guess you can help us keep the mob away. About the curse, I don't know if you can break it anymore." Jisung sighed sadly, "We're a little out of time. Either way though, we basically die." He mumbled the last part, but Jaemin heard it.

Jaemin sat up to glance outside. The moon was suddenly full, but it hadn't been long since he last looked at it. He looked around and spotted Dolsoe from afar approaching the castle, with the mob following behind.

"Quickly, go warn the others." Jaemin said towards Jisung, "I'll try and see if there's something here that can help us." Jaemin waved the book.

"Uh...got it." Jisung scrambled, almost tripping on his way out the door.

He ran out to go tell the others, and Jaemin opened back the book, scanning for anything that might be relevant. The first few pages were simple spells on charms and making things levitate. It could be useful, but he wasn't sure how.

'Protection spell' read a page.

Jaemin thought that was useful. He read all the way through and learned that he needed a necklace or ring to put the spell on before giving it to someone. He also needed a whole bunch of other things. He groaned in annoyance.

"Okay, come on levitation." Jaemin braced himself, staring at the book on the ground to try out if a spell was even possible.

"Excelsior" He said, but the book didn't move an inch. He repeated it a couple of times, groaning angrily.

"Excelsior!" He pointed, admist his anger, and the book flew up towards his face. He shielded himself and grabbed the book. At the same time, a flash of light intruded his vision and a second after, thunder shook the castle.

"So I've got to be angry? Got it."

Jaemin opened the book, looking for anything else. The rain started up, and Jaemin felt his hands become clammy at the tense situation.

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