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"Oh." [BROOKE] looked back down at the radio for a moment, as if she was waiting for the devil to speak again. "She was nice."

Christine had gotten up and dropped the wire, pacing around the room and fidgeting with her rubber hand. "Shit, Eric was right, God was right, we are dead."

Chloe watched Christine for a minute before speaking, making a popping noise with her mouth. "Wow, we're like, actually the worst. Objectively, completely, theogically, totally the worst."

The shortest of the three ran her fingers through her own short, black hair and whimpered. "It's all my fault, I put the radio on the wrong frequency." She turned to the other two. "How could I fuck up this badly?"


"Oh, so now the others want to come and help, huh?" Chloe rolled her eyes as [BROOKE] fumbled with the piece of wire he was holding still.

"I don't want to go through it." Christine wiped away a few angry tears. 

"Hey, it'll be okay." [BROOKE] dropped the end of wire he had been holding and got up, trying to comfort Christine. "It'll be one moment of just one, quick camper attack. And they'll forgive us. Mostly. Right, Chloe?"

Chloe was quiet, still sitting on the ground. After another second, she got up and ripped the antennae off of the house radio as she did so. "If God hates the devil so much, he should go and kill it himself!"

She then turned to the [BROOKE] and Christine. "But nooo, instead he needs a bunch of teenagers at a lame summer camp to do it for him!" She then kicked the speakers. "Well guess what? They're all assholes too!"

Christine attempted to grab Chloe, actually being successful. "Wait, Chlo—!"

Chloe tried to yank her arm away from Christine. "Let go of me. The devil fucking rules!" she bitterly laughed.

"Please stop.." the shorter girl begged.

"Christine, what else are we supposed to do? If the devil is all like 'you guys are chill' what the fuck else is there to do? Let's just hang out with it at this point! So just let go."

"I can't!" Christine exclaimed as Chloe dropped the antennae. "I can't just.. I can't just let go." she let out a sob.

Chloe looked more sympathetic now. "Chris."

"Where is the devil?" [BROOKE] interrupted, also coming closer with the other two. "If he's really supposed to be here and all."

"We know the devil." Christine shakily said to the blonde. "It's us. It has to be."


"You know why, [BROOKE]. Please don't make me say why it's so very clear we're the devil."

[BROOKE] backed up a bit. "Well, it's got to be.."

Christine looked to Chloe. Chloe's eyes hadn't left Christine. "This is awful." The taller one said.


"Let me break this whole thing."

Christine shook her head, and Chloe groaned.

"Fuck youuuu stop being so good! Now let go is me, hail satan or whatever!" The brunette started trying to yank away from Christine again.

"It doesn't even work like that!"

"How do you know? You've never done it before!"

"People are stronger than the devil." Christine argued.

"Oh, please, you'd join if you knew we would win."

"Chloe, cut it out, that's awful!"

"No, you're awful!" Chloe exclaimed back at the shorter girl. "You're being good for people who utterly despise you. You think you're not good somehow when you have to be good because every person who says they're not good or hates themself as much as you is always good!"

The Worst Girls Since Eve (bmc we know the devil AU)Where stories live. Discover now