No Prince for the Princess (Christine Ending)

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"It's done." [BROOKE] said a while later when Chloe returned with the wire, having fixed the radio the best she could. "Should we tune into God? Or maybe Eric first.."

"We could—"

"Just do whatever." Chloe interrupted, arms crossed. "Calling will just make it worse. It always does. They always say to call, but then all it does is make the devil actually come!"

The three put their radios in a circle and hold on to a length of the copper wire. "We don't really have to pray." Chloe then added.

"I'm so used to it at this point." Christine responded, [BROOKE] nodding in agreement.

"Just saying."

They held hands as they looked for the signal. All that had to do was find God's signal.

God's signal was 109.8FM, and he was different from the devil, which just made it all the easier.

The devil, on the other, always had a different frequency, never lingering on the same one for long. Some could hear him while changing the channels on accident.

By the time they found God, he had already been talking. He doesn't ever care though, he just always wanted attentiveness. 

"— a hand held against the world. To be touched and to touch; touch is a whole different language on its own." God was saying. "And it, along with others, is a language of power. Thus onto Jupiter—"

God sounds like every single boy you fear speaking all at once, overlapped. Christine thought so, at least.

"— the fist which can give takes too, and gives by taking, or takes by giving. Just as a word is honest or dishonest not by how it is spoken, but by he who speaks it, so is the honesty of touch—"

"This is stupid." Chloe reached a hand out to turn off the radio before Christine shook her head, sticking out a hand before recoiling. 

"Let's just listen a bit longer?"

That's when God said the dreaded words. "The devil is coming tonight. In fact, the devil is certainly already there."

Christine was quiet, eyes wide as God continued. "Parables I:I 'The devil is only the shadow of man cast from the light of god.'"

As God switched to talking about tomorrow's weather, Chloe turned off the radio. 

"We should've called Eric..." [BROOKE] whimpered.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, what would he have done?"

"Something else? Anything else?" [BROOKE] continued, trying not to sound shaky. "Okay, okay, you don't die from being the devil, they just—"

Christine tuned out whatever [BROOKE] was saying next. She had a feeling, a feeling that had been squeezing her all day, and now felt like it was squeezing the whole house. All she could do was stare at her wrist, smacking the rubber band.

Chloe and [BROOKE] watched, concerned. "Christine..?"

"We can just wait this out. There's only three hours left." Christine looked up, wincing from a particularly painful smack to the wrist but forcing a shaky smile with an even shakier voice. "We don't need to know who the devil is. It's just a phase, right?"


"Guys, come on. You're supposed to agree with me. Make fun of me, anything, please."

Chloe just stared at Christine, taking a breath. "We know, Christine. It's obvious."

The Worst Girls Since Eve (bmc we know the devil AU)Where stories live. Discover now