Lukewarm, I Spit You Out (Chloe Ending)

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TW — emetophobia 

By the time they found God, he had already been talking. He doesn't ever care though, he just always wanted attentiveness

"— a method for extracting bile. Create an incision on the middle finger. All the water of the body can be thought of as a single ocean—"

God sounded like every boy you were every afraid of, all talking at once.

"—and extract the resulting ink. Place in a vial and explain to it the worthlessness of the treasures of earth. Break it against a mirror, the cause of vanity. An interesting excerpt from Sol Tenebrarum - The Occult Study of Melancholy by Asenath Mason—"

"This is a waste of time." Chloe reached to turn off the radio, but Christine gently waved her hand away. 

"Shhh, I want to listen.."

God continued. "The devil is coming tonight. It is certain. In fact, he's already here. Parables I:I "The devil is only the shadow of man cast from the light of god. The meaning of this parable is that there is no devil."

The girls were quiet.

"The weather is scheduled for 100 with humidity tomorrow. And now for the news—"

Christine quickly switched off the radio and Chloe sighed. "I told you guys."

It was quiet for a while, Chloe's coughing growing louder as she mostly stared at her phone.

"Chloe?" [BROOKE] asked hesitantly.

"Hm," Was the only noise of acknowledgement the brunette had made. 

"Are you alright..?" [BROOKE] asked, already knowing Chloe couldn't be helped.

"Yes." Chloe responded flatly before she covered her mouth and coughed harder. 

"You sure?" The blonde asked, concern all over her face.

"God, [BROOKE] I just said—" Chloe was cut off by more coughing.

Christine piped up, shaking her head. "You're not fine." She scooted herself a bit closer to Chloe, who just scooted away and stood up.

"You're making it worse. Ugh, I need to throw up." 


"Yes, a—" coughing. "—again." Chloe saw the look on Christine's face and coughed again, voice trying to sound calmer. "Hey, I'm fine, I told you. I just need the bathroom. You did the best you could."

As she disappeared to the bathroom, [BROOKE] and Christine wait. They want to be patient, to let Chloe take her time. But the coughing was louder, so they had to get up and knock on the door.

"Can we get you anything?" Christine offered as she knocked.

"No." Came a muffled voice from the bathroom.

"You can come back out if—"

"Christine, I TOLD you I'm—" the sloshing sound of liquid in the toilet and more coughing is heard. 

"Please open up." Christine pleaded, sounding more anxious.

"I'm fine."

[BROOKE] whimpered. "Please Chlo—"

"I am fucking fine, okay?"

"You have to come out." Christine tried to sound more commanding.


"You know what? Fine. You asked for me to come out, so I will."

The door opened, and it's Chloe, but also not Chloe. Her brown hair and white shirt are stained with a black, inky ichor, covering her face and dripping down her chin. 

She grabbed [BROOKE] and crushed him against the wall, as if he was a rag doll. "Sorry, hon. Stay good right here." 

Chloe held up a hand and let the dark substance drip down, almost like chocolate syrup. "Drink up."

Christine let out a scream and tried to push Chloe, but she wouldn't budge. It was like if a baby were trying to push a much larger chair.

"Calm your tits, Christine. Just give me a moment." Chloe responded, [BROOKE] still thrashing in her grip. "I promise—"

The brunette was interrupted by Christine once again trying to body slam her, this time actually falling to the floor and giving [BROOKE] a moment to get to the other side of the room. "Christine, I promise to be just as much of a nightmare to you, sweetie pie. Just give me a minute."

Christine picked up her radio and bashed it into Chloe's shoulder, hearing her scream in pain as she followed behind [BROOKE].

Chloe dug her nails (more claw-looking now, maybe an effect of the devil), and tried to get a balance. "Sorry about this. You guys are just trying so hard to be good, and I just don't want you to. It's unfair, isn't it?"

She followed them outside of the cabin, still talking. "It makes me so mad. You're both already good, why do you have to prove it? It's infuriating. I hate it here, why do any of us have to be here?"

Christine is breathing heavily. "Chloe, please stop. Let's just, let's just all stop."

"Fuck, I hate thiiiiis." Chloe whined loudly as the shorter girl spoke. "I'm trying to fuck up [BROOKE] and you, and you won't let me do that and if that is a problem you'll just have to kill me."

She gestured at [BROOKE] as more ichor flowed out of her mouth. "Does he look happy to you? He would be happier if he wasn't trying to be what he's not!"

Chloe took a breath but coughed loudly, hands put into fists. "I don't want to ever be good, and neither should you." 

[BROOKE] held onto Christine's shoulder tight as she gripped onto the radio.

Chloe laughed. "Try not to kill me, mkay?"

Her stare was as quiet and black as the lake outside, as if she's a siren taunting us to come and drown. Chloe reached out. She was a flood of every wicked thought on earth, and it poured out of her mouth..

They devil is lonely. They kicked out the devil and it missed them. It kept begging to be let back, to be let in.

And Chloe did. 

Every awful thought belongs to her. Water to give, and thirst to take. Nothing can escape her flood.

Except for Christine and [BROOKE].

Chloe couldn't stain them. They chose to stay clean. 

The devil only ever gets one moment, for revenge, for love, for "please think of me."

There was nothing to fear when two people were against the devil.

Christine's radio shrieked and blared at top volume, and felt as if it was shuddering.

[BROOKE]'s radio wriggled and coiled around itself, seeming to shine brightly.

Both, however, screamed and crashed against her and the devil is destroyed.

Chloe had to be drained off at the lake. Their job, assigned by Eric, was to make sure Chloe stayed clean. Better than having to do a full clean up like the rest of the campers.

As the two look away from the lake and back to Chloe, who is draining out on an ugly blue tarp. It was better than before, when they had to change it every half hour.

Christine put on rubber gloves and lifted Chloe up as [BROOKE] picked up the tarp, bundling it up and throwing it away in the nearby dumpster. "How much longer do you think we have left?" The blonde asked.

"Not too long, I think." Christine responded as she laid Chloe back down on the fresh tarp. 

They took their seats back on the bridge of the lake, quiet until [BROOKE] spoke again. "I have friends I speak with a lot. Some I don't, and only talk to when necessary." He turned to face Christine. "How does that work?"

The shorter girl shrugged. "My dad said if you truly know someone, you don't have to check in on them as much. I don't know how true that is, though. Maybe sometimes words aren't that easy."

[BROOKE] nodded and smiled awkwardly as he got up. "Yeah, true. We have plenty of time to figure that out, I guess."

"Yeah." Christine smiled back and stood up at they went to go check on Chloe again. 

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