Chapter 3 - Clubs.

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' Group of Clubs. '
╰┈➤ ೃ⁀➷Chapter 3

" Clubs. "

    I looked over to see Arisu awkwardly standing behind Karube, laying on the wall. I walked over and stood beside him. "Did you notice the bracelets too?" I asked. He seemed like an observer yet smart in most ways. He looked at me. "Yeah. Karube said he heard two guys in a walkie-talkie talking about 'The Beach'..?" He explained. We began talking about what we saw. Explaining possible things.

After a while me and Akira left. My thoughts all focused on the beach trying to think of whatever, I guess. "What are you thinking about?" Akira asked, snapping me from my thoughts. "Me, Arisu, and I believe Karube are trying to figure out what 'The Beach' is." I explained. "Imagine if it was just a beach." Akira laughed as we entered the apartment.

I shrugged as I laid down on the couch and stared off onto the ceiling. "I let Karube, and Arisu know where we were going to be incase they needed anything." She said. I nodded before dozing off.

I slowly opened my eyes, looking over to the kitchen to see Akira asleep at the bar. I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I looked out the window and observed the view.

I wasn't sure what to do this far into this crazy world. I hated being alone like this, although I have Akira I miss the comfort of my world. If this isn't even our world, why are we here?

"Nezumi, what are you doing?" Akira voiced awoke me. "Nothing?" I answered walking over to her. Her stomach growled making her groan. "I'm hungry too." I sighed.

"Maybe we can go out and find some instant noodles or something. I have one of those burners that don't need electricity, from that time we went camping." She suggested.

I quickly nodded as she grabbed it. As we were about to walk out I quickly turned back to grab a bottle of water and a pot. As I walked back we finally left the apartment.

After a while we found a convenience store that seemed untouched with a few things missing.

There was a place to sit at the entrance so Akuni got things set up there as I looked around. I found instant noodles in so many flavors but I could never go wrong with chicken so I got that one.

I walked back to see her already boiling the water. "These good?" I asked her placing the noodles next to her. "Yeah, they'll do." She smiled. I sat down next to her with a smile as we waited for everything to be done.

After we ate our noodles we kinda say silent for a while. There was old magazines that we read as well to ourselves. This place felt so wrong for all the right reasons.

I loved being alone but, alone like this felt different. Like I wasn't actually alone yet no one to be found.

"What are you thinking about?" Akira asked as she noticed me staring at the same page for a while. "I'm not sure." I shrugged. I guess I really didn't.

"Want to head back?" She asked as it was getting pretty dark. "Yeah, sure." I nodded. We both got up and grabbed our stuff before leaving and heading back.

We both walked in as she went straight to her bedroom I fell asleep on the couch again.

I then heard a knock on the door. It was faint, almost like they weren't sure if they should knock. I walked over to the door, opening it to see Arisu, and a girl behind him that looked familiar. I think she was in that tag game.

"Arisu? What are you doing here?" I asked him as Akira walked over. "Well Karube told me where you guys were before our last game. Sorry if this is weird." He explained.

"No not at all! Come in." Akira spoke. They both walked in as I shut the door behind him. Akira sat on the couch causing Arisu to sit beside her. The other girl stood straight next to him. I did the same as I didn't feel like sitting.

"Where's Karube?" Akira asked. As the words left her lips I could tell something bad had happened because of the way his face dropped. "Oh.." Akira let out softly. "That's not really what I'm here for.." He said scratching the back of his head.

"What's up?" I asked. "Well you know how the whole.. The Beach thing? Well, Karube told me stuff about it before everything and me and Usagi think you guys could help." He explained. Usagi. The climber, noted.

"Yeah of course. Any leads?" Akira asked. "Well not quite." Usagi said. "We thought we could go around asking people and see what goes on from there." Arisu spoke.

"That doesn't seem stupid at all." I joked. "Yeah but it's kind of our only option." Usagi looked at me. I nodded. "I want to make a pit stop at the mall but yeah I'd totally do it." I said. Akira agreed.

We all walked out and headed for the mall. As we entered it we all headed to the girls section. I turned to Arisu and laughed. "The mens section is just over there." I said pointing it out. He laughed and went over. I looked back over to see Usagi standing awkwardly. "Workout clothes are that way." I whispered to her. She smiled and nodded.

I went around trying to find something to put on for the time being at least. I picked out a gray cropped tank top, dark green pants and a black zip up hoodie. I went to the changing rooms, changing out of what I was wearing and walking out to meet everyone in the middle between the mens and women's sections.

I spotted Arisu who just changed his shirt and grabbed a hoodie. Usagi seemed to do the same, new leggings but like the same ones she was wearing. As I stood next to them Akira came from behind me wearing black parachute pants and a white tank top with a black hoodie.

We all smiled at each other before leaving the mall.


At first we tried asking people but that just ended in people acting confused or running away. We weren't sure what to think of this whole Beach situation. Until Arisu came up with something as we were all spying on the players after the games we were stood at were done.

"Wait, check the players wrists. Do they have a bracelet that looks like you could get them at a fitness place?" His voice spoke from the walkie talkies we were all holding.

"Yeah, two of my players." Usagi said back. "I see two as well," I spoke after. Akira snatched the walkie talkies from me, "It's actually three." She spoke into the walkie talkie.

"Follow them. See what they know." Arisu said.

We followed the players a big distance between us as we saw them get into a car. "They're getting into a car. It started? Is that even possible?" Akira said.

"Ours too." Usagi and Arisu both said back to back. "They're heading north, anyone else?" Arisu spoke. "Confirmative." Akira said.

We ran after the car, trying not to make it look obvious but also trying not to lose it from our sight. Then we saw two other cars coming towards the car were following and as they went down a road I saw Arisu and Usagi behind them.

We all ran after the cars together until we hit a big lake in front of a lit up hotel. This must be it. We all stood there admiring the lights that blared from the hotel in a place so dark.

"Well, here it is." Arisu breathed out.

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