Chapter 4 - Hearts.

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' Full of Hearts. '
╰┈➤ ೃ⁀➷Chapter 3

" Hearts. "

We were each taking turns with the binoculars as we watched from across the lake. It was quite a rare sighting. I feel like I've never seen so much socializing in this filthy world.

"So what now?" I blurted out. "Go in?" Arisu questioned. "I'm not too sure.." Usagi sighed.

As I turned to my head to look at Akira suddenly it went pitch black. I tried to let out a scream but it was as if I had no voice.

I squinted my eyes open as a bag of some sort was yanked off my head. I looked to my right to see Akira and to my left was Arisu and Usagi.

"What the fuck?" Akira said. We all looked at the door opening to see a guy with long-ish hair, and sunglasses walk in. I gave a confusing stare as I had no idea what was happening.

"Ah comrades!" The man smiled. "Welcome to The Beach." He said letting out a warm smile. "This is 'The Beach'?" Arisu confirmed. The man nodded.

"In the flesh." The man let out. "I'm Hatter." He introduced himself. "And you are..." He spaced out. We all gave him a weird look.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I scoffed. "Right, of course. There's no reason for you to tell me." Hatter agreed.

"What is this place?" Usagi blurted out. "It's a place where people can stay, have sex, do drugs, and whatever they want." Hatter explained.

"But there's only three rules." Hatter smiled.

"Must be wearing a swim suit. See, pretty hard to carry weapons." Hatter smiled.

"You're free to live life exactly how you wish." He continued on. "And lastly.." He said.

He snapped his fingers causing two guys to open up doors behind us. revealing a wall with cards spray painted on it and most with an X on them.

"Death to all traitors. - All cards must be given to the Top 1 resident, and no one may leave once admitted to the Beach. Doing against so is considered traitorous." He said with a straight face.

The rest of the interaction was weird. I didn't pay attention to most of it. Until he let us go and we got our swimsuits. Arisu and Usagi headed to the pool area as I went to my room.

Our room number was connected to our wristband except up a hundred. If you have 1-99 you get 101-199. If you have 100-199 you get 200-299. And so on. My wristband was number 398. So that means I had room 498.

As I was walking down the hall I spotted a familiar jacket looking over the railings. He looked as if he looked down on everyone else. Like he was better than them. And who knows. Maybe he was.

I walked into the room and shut the door behind me. Trying to get used to my surroundings if I'm going to be here a while. I turned my head to the sound of the door opening. I spotted the hooded guy who just stood there in the doorway with the door open.

"Can I help you?" I asked, crossing my arms. He let out a breath, "Maybe." He shrugged. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I'm sorry?" I said in a questioning tone. He let out a light laugh. "We'll find out won't we?" He replied reaching out to the handle of the door and shutting it as he walked away.

He's definitely something.

I looked around at the room as I headed towards the bathroom. It had the essentials inside. Toothpaste toothbrushes, a bottle of water, etc. I grabbed the toothbrush and ripped it out of the packaging. I opened the water bottle and poured a little on it as I put on the toothpaste. I poured a little more water as I began brushing my teeth. These past few days have been weird. And it didn't do justice to my mouth. It felt like I ate dirt at one point.

After I was done I gurgled some of the water in my mouth then spit it out again. I walked out the bathroom and as I opened the room door I jumped a bit to Arisu's face as he was just about to open it as well. As soon as I was about to ask I heard loud yelling. People changing 'Hatter'. I gave Arisu a confused face as he moved his head signaling me to follow him, so I did.

We all got pieces of paper that told us what game we're doing. Me and Arisu got the same. Usagi was standing with Akuni as they also had the same. We spread out heading to our games.

Me and Arisu got to ours as we picked up the phones. There were two missing. Water proof cases? "Why does it have a case?" I blurted. "Maybe the game has something to do with water." Arisu said.

Ann walked up to us to see if we were ready. "The water is coming out fast we might want to hurry." A guy in a blue hat spoke out. When the guy spotted Arisu he went in for a hug and they started small talk. His name was Tatta and he did engineering around The Beach.

As we got into the game me and Arisu stood by three switches labeled A, B, and C. A girl with a blue bathing suit and Tatta stood by a door that was opened, with a single light build hanging down. A girl with short black hair was standing in the middle and a girl behind her.

"Game commencing."

"Difficulty, 4 of Diamonds."

"Rules, There is one switch that turns on the light bulb. With the door closed, players may flip any switch. While the door is open, players may only flip the switch once. The door will not close if there are people in both rooms or a switch is flipped." The robotic voice explained.

Right. Rules pretty much explain themselves.. I look over to the girl who was curious about the spikes that hung from the ceiling. She poked one, electrocuting herself, causing her to float lifeless in the rising water.

I looked over at Arisu who was calculating it all in his head. While Tatta was arguing about the percentage. I looked behind me and stared at the levers. I know how to beat this game. I'm not stupid. But the blue swim suited girl said something about putting her life in a rookies hands.

What if I just.. I placed my palm on the A lever. "No! What are you doing?" Arisu said, trying to stop me. "The answer is A." I said. I had no idea. "What? How do you even-" I cut his words off by flipping up the switch. I turned around to see the light flicker on. I panned my eyes to Ann who was confused. She wasn't sure what face to make. The water had stopped rising after I pulled the lever.

"You could have killed us all!" Tatta complained. "I know." I nodded. "It wasn't supposed to be that easy." Ann said. "Was that because you knew the answer?" I joked. She gave me a look, I wasn't sure what it meant.

I looked over at Arisu who was disappointed. "You can prove your intelligence another time." I patted his shoulder walking out of that place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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