Chapter 1

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A/N: Read before you continue bc I know you're gonna skip this if I make it a separate part.

This story is not marked mature for graphic gay secks. Sorry guys, I prefer not to cater to that crowd. Possible CW includes violence, depictions of blood (human and animal in various amounts), the F slur, and a load of swearing.

Happy reading. Bitch.

 There is a woman in the passenger's seat. Her cherry red lips are pursed with concentration. "I'm considering Maine."

"We're not going any further north than Detroit," the man in the driver's seat argues. "It's too damn cold."

"Oh, you poor baby," she coos, bringing a hand up and caressing his hair. Her eyes linger on his lips, and she leans closer to him.

His face flushes. "What about Louisiana? We haven't gone there yet, have we? Plus, it can't be too far of a drive."

She smirks and tightens her hold on his curls. His face falls closer, inches away from hers. "I wouldn't mind a visit to New Orleans."

"Oh my God," I moan, sliding lower in my seat.

Mom pecks Dad on the lips before sitting forward. "No worries, dear. We weren't getting distracted at all."

I roll my eyes and look out the window. We're sitting outside the house we've just closed in Dad's old police cruiser. All my life, it's been the closest thing to a permanent home, since we've moved around a lot. Today is no exception, what with the sold house and all.

"Dare, baby, would you mind looking up a small town we could maybe park in? Maybe Louisiana this time?" Mom asks sweetly. She's irritatingly beautiful with her long, raven hair and spindly limbs. She offers a smile, revealing tiny fangs pressed against her bottom lip.

I sigh heavily and pull my phone out. I wish they'd at least look for our next destination before moving, but whatever. I pull up Maps and zoom into Louisiana, looking for small towns no one's ever heard of. Then, I find one that seems to strike a chord, and I know it's the one. I hand the phone to my mom. She scans it before plugging it into the USB cord, seemingly satisfied with my choice. She taps the screen once more, which activates the GPS lady that I've never been able to part from. As the directions are read out, I rest my head against the window and close my eyes.

It's not unusual for us to move after a short time. Actually, we usually put the house up for sale as soon as we move in. Sometimes, when the market's really slow, we'll move out early and wait for it to sell from whatever location we've gone off to next. Money isn't really an issue, so my parents list our houses for what they think they're worth, which either gets us moving in three weeks or nine months, depending on how much others agree with the pricing. Over the years, I've garnered an impressive roster of schools, which has both been infinitely helpful for social situations and infinitely unhelpful for keeping friends. Over the years, I've learned to give up and just try to remain at a friendly distance from my peers.

Despite all our issues, I know we're still a family, and I don't blame them for the mess my life has been. We're financially stable and happy, and I don't want anything more than that. Even with my mom's family chasing us up the ass for my entire life, I can find peace in knowing we haven't left a trace of our identities behind. They can't find us out here.

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