Chapter 16

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 I look down at my clothes and then back up at the people in front of me. I'm glad I didn't bother changing, since everyone else is dressed low-key. There's consistent chatter accompanying the loud music in the atmosphere. I feel nervous standing in the middle of the crowded room, but I can't leave now.

A drink is shoved in my direction. "Drink, dude," a girl laughs. "Loosen up."

I take it and try a sip. It's liquid fire in my throat, and I cringe after swallowing. I know I can't get drunk, I've tried it before on Xenon's watch, but I feel my nerves loosen a little anyway. The girl whirls out of view, leaving me alone once again. I take another drink, preparing myself for the fuzzy sensation it leaves behind.

My drink is wrenched out of my hand. Jayden gulps it down and tosses the empty cup aside. Before I can speak, he grabs my arm and yanks me in his direction. I stumble after him, cringing as he shoes people aside. We enter a room, and he closes the door and leans on it, trapping me. I look at him, wide-eyed.

"Are you gonna tell me or what?" he finally asks.

I shrug.

He looks down at me, silent. He doesn't seem angry like I thought he would, rather appearing thoughtful. I cross my arms to protect myself, uneasy. I look around the room. There's medals on the wall. It looks like his bedroom, or maybe a brother's, which doesn't help with my self-consciousness. We're alone in here. If something happened, I would have nowhere to go.

I shouldn't have come here. I messed up. I'm an idiot, I know that, but I didn't think of the consequences. I thought he wouldn't try anything with so many people around, but it's clear no one will find us in here, and if they did, Jayden could just block the door.

"Really?" he asks me. I stiffen.

"I mean, I kind of can't just say it. It's complicated."

"In what way?"

"In a . . ." I swallow. "It's better if you don't know."

"I have an idea of what it is."

I glare at the floor. "It's not that simple."

"You're not surprised?"

"You're not a good actor, so no, I'm not surprised."

The corners of his mouth quirk up. "Way to expose the both of us, huh? You know exactly what I am?"

I stay silent.

"So not you're not talking?" Jayden asks. He steps closer. "What are you, really? Some bloodthirsty rogue? You hide well for one."

My phone buzzes. I ignore it.

"You should answer that," he says. It's a command. I step away from him and retrieve my phone from my pocket.

Loser: i have a concert in half an hour, wanna come?

Me: I'm busy

Loser: ur missing out tho

u ok? ur nevr busy

Me: It's nothing

Loser: tell me ur ok tho

I leave him on read. I can't lie to him. Jayden snatches my phone from my hand and tosses it on the bed beside me. I clench and unclench my hand, looking back at him.

"So, what?" he says expectantly. "Are you a rogue? You're pretty weak, even for a rogue."

I shake my head.

"Are you some kind of runt? A runaway omega?" Jayden approaches me. I step back, and he follows, and we repeat the pattern until my back is to the wall. He leers over me, his eyes dark. His hand grabs my collar. He pulls me closer.

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