Chapter 7

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 "What the hell is this?"

I fold my arms and lean on the desk. "You tell me."

"This is fucking third grade shit."

"Yeah, we're starting from the beginning."

He scoffs, leaning back and crossing his arms. "Fuck this, dude. Seriously."

Rion looks slightly shitter than yesterday. The bags under his eyes are more shadowed. His hair is covered by a backwards baseball cap, so I can't tell if it's messier, but he could probably pull the look off anyway.

"I don't see why I have to do this to stay on the team."

"Listen, I custom made this shit myself, so if you want to waste your life you can, but don't waste mine."

He stares at me incredulously. "What happened to Jesus?"

"I will kneel on rice for that one," I reply. "Are you going to do it or not?"

Rion grabs the pencil and starts working on the worksheet. I unfold my arms and flip my binder open, intending on looking at our new project.

Rion stops writing and sets the pencil down. "Aren't you supposed to be tutoring me, not handing me worksheets?"

"That was fast. Would you like the next one?"

His eyes narrow. I pull another paper out from my binder and hand it to him.

"Tutoring?" he asks.

"Will be done if I believe it is necessary."


I work on my project while he answers the questions. For fun, I even put the questions in comic sans and made the text super large to maximize the embarrassment. If he wants to act like a child, he can do the homework of one.

He slams the paper on my desk aggressively, making it rattle. I jump five feet in the air, my cold, dead heart nearly restarting at the shock. "There. Now let me go."

I shoot him a baffled look.

"What?" he snaps.

"I can't dismiss you from school."

"No, let me go to the class. The class for normal people, not fucking weirdos like you."

"That's kind of mean."

"That's the fucking point," he growls. "Can you at least pretend to respect me?"

"Alright. Apologies. I have some of my own worksheets, but they might be above your current reading comprehensibility."

Rion turns pink. "You fucking bitch."

"If you'd like, we can go over them together. I've actually done some pages in simple English for Wikipedia, so I've got the experience."

"Fuck you."

I sigh. Fun's over. He actually looks like he might lunge at me, so I hand him the real worksheet. It goes over completely different content from yesterday.

Rion settles down, scans over the sheet, and puts his elbow on the desk and his cheekbone on his fist. He actually appears interested. I stop working on my project to watch him answer the questions. They're not quite as surface level as yesterday, on the edge of being too advanced for this class, so I can tell he's got the academic capabilities to go up to college level stuff. That's good for me as well, since I was getting bored of planning for a high school course.

As I expected, he hands the sheet back sixty percent completed. I'm half tempted to demand he answer the rest, or at least try to, but I keep quiet and put the paper in my binder with the rest. He stands and goes into the room. I follow, my binder held against my chest. Ms. Joyce looks at me with confusion.

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