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The world humans had known had ended. It ended in the midst of a deadly pandemic when everyone over the age of twenty died. Bloodsuckers which had always lurked in the quiet shadows of human society took advantage of the chaotic situation to launch their quest for world domination. No longer were we the apex predators.

Overtaken by vampires, a new world order was erected. The lucky ones were taken into custody and became livestock for vampires to feed on while the unlucky ones were dragged into the underworld as playtoys for their illicit amusement.

I was born into the world alone. Abandoned by my parents at birth, I was raised in an orphanage until that idyllic dream also shattered when I fell into the hands of a criminal syndicate. I was promptly dropped into the nether world to fend for myself, surviving with only vengeance and hatred running through my veins.

For vampires, eternal life was a curse with boredom frequently plaguing their nights. And so they often entertained themselves in brothels, casinos, and death games. I specialized in the third category. Death games were a varied bunch ranging from hunting games where vampires cruelly tracked down human participants for the pleasure of extermination to gladiator-style matches to the death between human participants while vampires cheered them on making bets on the side.

Forced into a life of servitude, I was able to strike a bargain for my freedom if I won a hundred games in a row. Just one more win and I'll be freed from these shackles. However, I had never encountered this type of death game before, complete with brainwashing and hypnosis.

I felt vulnerable and defenseless without my weapons and my wits in disarray.

Never had I been so embarrassed by myself: crying like a helpless baby, holding hands with him, and even kissing him. I wanted to throw up just at the thought of it.

I clenched my teeth as sharp fangs pierced through the skin on my neck. I stifled my moans and tried to wriggle out of his grasp. I glared at him out of the corner of my eye. I could feel hot blood rushing to my face and a knot forming in my guts. I wanted nothing more than to crush his heart.

"The more you struggle, the more it'll hurt," he patronized while taking a break from drinking my blood, "If you stop resisting, I may be kind enough to provide you with a quick and painless death when I am done."

"Who are you?" I barked, attempting to buy enough time for me to find an opening. It was impossible for me to beat him right now. He was no regular vampire.

I had to find his weakness.

"Ahh, but that's for me to know and you to find out," he quipped, "but I guess there's no harm in telling someone who's going to be dead soon."

He paused for a moment as if considering if I was worthy enough to know his name and then leaned in close enough until I could smell the metallic tinge from his predatory mouth.

"Just kidding," he teased, sticking out his tongue.

That was my chance!

I bit as hard as I could, letting the salty metallic taste seep into my mouth. It tasted vile, but I didn't care. It was time for me to turn the tide.

Taking advantage of the surprise, I managed to push myself away from him. I could already sense the newfound strength and vigor I had gained from the little morsel. And I couldn't wait to test my limits.

"What's the matter?" I provoked, "Cat got your tongue?"

"I haven't felt this excited in a long time," he said. I was shocked, his tongue had already regenerated. He lifted himself off the ground. "As expected of the angel of death, I have heard many things about you. So many things in fact, that I just had to come and see you for myself."

"I wish you hadn't," I mumbled to myself, trying to size up the situation.

"How ungrateful!" he pouted placing his hands on his hip, "Y'know it took me a long time to set this up. It's based on something that was popular amongst humans for a while..." He scratched his head, "I think it's called Romeo and Juliet? Anyway, I had to do the difficult work of gathering everyone together and helping you guys immerse yourselves into your roles-"

"You mean brainwashing," I snapped back, still feeling a bit humiliated from my shameless displays.

"Well you guys wouldn't have made very convincing actors otherwise," he pointed out, his brows furrowing, "Really I should be the one complaining here since it was such a royal pain for me and took so much of my energy."

"I was right," I scowled, "You're one of the nobles on the Royal Vampire Court." The Royal Vampire Court consisted of only the most ancient and most powerful vampires whose blood ran thick with those of the Progenitor who was the first vampire. I had only heard about them through wisps of gossip exchanged in the underworld.

His ability to brainwash humans clearly landed him among that group. And he was the first vampire that I came across with that power. I didn't know if I could stand a chance in a fight with someone like that, but I had to try.

"Perhaps," he said slyly, shrugging his arms. He gave me a once-over, while I held my stance, prepared to defend myself at a given notice. "Y'know I think you're quite an interesting character, I wouldn't mind keeping you as a pet. How does that sound?"

I couldn't underestimate the enemy, but I also couldn't help but cling onto hope. Even if it was false hope. I had done too much to give up at this point. It was the sunk-cost fallacy.

"As if," I spat out the two words as harshly as I could, shooting him a menacing glare.

Then I lunged forward, attempting for my fist to make contact with his face. Yet, he parried all of my swings and kicks with ease. It was almost as if I was moving in slow-motion. Always one step behind him.

If this went on any longer, I knew I wouldn't have enough stamina to keep up. I needed to end this quickly. And there was only one thing in the world that all vampires needed.

I ran my hands across my face expecting it to be wet, but the scars from Jun had already healed and faded. I bit my tongue as hard as I could to draw blood, watching his eyes widen in surprise.

I found my opening!

I leaped onto him, knocking him to the ground as I pinned his hands above his head.

"Game over," I proclaimed with a smile plastered on my face, "Now let me go, or should I eat you alive?"

I heard him let out a snicker underneath me, and suddenly he was gone. I looked around the room, but he was nowhere to be seen. 

I waited for a minute, but he didn't reappear.

Was I going crazy?

No, something was definitely wrong.

I ran out of the room, hoping to stop him before it was too late. The one person who had been watching over me all along. I couldn't lose him.

Please wait for me. Please be safe. I need you.

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