"Did you really think that it'll be that easy?"

I winced, struggling to get back on my feet. The world was spinning in circles around me. Something warm trickled down my forehead. I touched the liquid with my hand and realized it was my blood.

Kairo! Where was he?

I looked around frantically and saw him lying on the ground about a foot away from me, bloodied and bruised. Fortunately, he didn't seem to be in a very critical condition. Kairo took on the brunt of the impact when we rolled out of the carriage. I scurried over to his side to check on him.

He still had a pulse. He was still alive. I was relieved.

The nearby tree stump had halted our descent, and the soft grass cushioned our fall. Wildflowers dotted the landscape with beautiful colors, and I could hear the gentle bubbling of a stream nearby. Although I didn't recognize where we were, it seemed like a very peaceful place. I would have loved to stay and admire the view, but I knew we had to get out of here fast. It wasn't safe here. Lord Rigel must be around the place somewhere, searching for us. I tried to put Kairo on my back so I could carry him out of the clearing, but he was so much heavier than me so I only ended up falling down on my knees. Still, I couldn't give up and tried again and again until I heard him groan in pain.

I stopped when I noticed that I was hurting him.

Alright, it was time to switch to Plan B!

It'll be fine, I told myself. I'll stay here with him and nurse him back to health. Then when he is all-rested, we would resume our travel as runaways. Finally, we would live happily ever after like those characters in the storybook. It was a perfect, fool-proof plan!

And if that bastard dared come here, I would personally make sure that he regretted the day that he ever decided to mess with us. I practiced punching the air with glee but stiffened when I heard some rustling noises around the area. I whipped my head around, trying to find the source of the noise, but I was startled to find that it was coming from all sides.

We were already surrounded!

"Well, well, well."

Poking his head into the clearing, Lord Rigel announced his arrival, "It seems you two haven't made it far."

"Tch," I scoffed, retreating to Kairo's side. Speak of the devil himself. But he wasn't alone. More figures slowly converged in the clearing, forming a circle around us. My eyes widened in surprise when I noticed who they were. It couldn't be.

Lord Rigel laughed heartily, clutching his abdomen with his arms. I thought he would start rolling around on the ground at any minute. "The look of despair on your face is delicious, " he snickered as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. "But you were the ones who decided to abandon them, even though you already knew what the consequences would be for the rest of your family." Moving his hand to his neck, he swung it as if he was cutting off his own head. "Luckily for them though, I was able to catch wind of your friend's plot before it got out of hand."

I lowered my eyes to avoid catching their gaze as my heart sank in my chest. I didn't mean to abandon them. I was too excited about the idea of escaping with Kairo that I just ran along with his idea. And I was too much of a coward to face them at the moment.

He clutched his chest with his hand as if in pain. "He was such a dear friend of mine too. To think that he was going to betray me, it truly makes my heart hurt."

I rolled my eyes at his performance. Everyone knew that vampires didn't have beating hearts. And a vampire like him definitely had a hole where a heart was supposed to be.

"If you touch my family, I'll report you to the royals," I threatened him, desperately trying to find a way to wiggle out of the mess I had gotten myself into. I pointed towards Kairo's neck, "I saw what you did earlier back there. Stop acting as if you even care about him. You only view us as your livestock and playthings, nothing more."

"Tsk-tsk," he teased, waggling his index finger at me, "You got the story all wrong. You see I was actually covering for him. Where do you think he gets all those nice gifts for you from? Fresh fruit doesn't come cheap."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. My mouth was as dry as sandpaper. Had Kairo been offering himself up to Lord Rigel for my sake?

"Unlike other vampires, I actually enjoy the company of humans," he explained, flashing a sinister grin, "especially little kids." "You see I've even opened the doors of my mansion to them as a public library and I was so delighted to see your friend walk through those doors that day." He closed his eyes as if entranced in a spell and continued, "He had such a delightful scent that I just had to get a taste, so I offered to let him take something from my place in exchange for his blood. And now he's been whoring himself out to me ever since."

His eyes glinted with glee as he finished that sentence, while I gritted my teeth in silent fury. I thought of all the times that Kairo had returned home late with a gift for me and how tired he seemed. However, he just explained it away by telling me that he got a job in town. I also offered to come and help him, but he adamantly refused my assistance and forbade me from even following him to work. At least, now I knew why.

How dare he exploit Kairo's kindness for his own pleasure! I wanted to rip that smug look off his bogus face and shred it into a million pieces. I would make sure that he would never be able to touch Kario ever again.

"Well, everything would have been alright until yesterday," Lord Rigel said continuing with his monologue and not paying any mind to my growing rage. Shaking his head, he voiced his disappointment "I found that some items in my place had mysteriously disappeared. And guess who came in the other day asking about them?" He shot a quick glance at Kairo and the corners of his mouth curled into a faint smile of self-satisfaction before he feigned a pained look. "I told him that they were my most prized possessions so he couldn't take them, but he still took them anyway. I'm absolutely torn over his betrayal." He let out a sniff and wiped his nose with a handkerchief he took out of the pocket of his suit.

"So that's why you paid us a visit this morning," I growled, as the scene of his fangs plunging into Kairo's neck replayed in my mind.

"Mhm," he nodded, cupping his cheek with his hands, "and it was delicious!" He licked his lips as a mischievous look loomed in his eyes. "You have nothing right now. You're absolutely powerless against me and your friend is on death's door. You've broken the law by attempting to escape from the city of Rubea for which the punishment is death." His eyes narrowed as he focused on me.

"And?" I retorted, forcing myself to spit out the word. I couldn't muster up anything else. I almost felt a shiver run across my spine when he sentenced me to death. I was a glass house, ready to shatter at any given moment, but I couldn't show that I was scared of him. I had to stand up to him for Kairo.

Lord Rigel smilies as if amused. "But I've taken a liking to you and your friend, so I'll make you a deal. If you guys come back to the city, I'll let everyone else go and I'll keep you and your friend alive, too. How about it?" He extended his arm out for a handshake. "And as the Lord of the city, I honor my word of course."

It was as if I had been struck by lightning. I was shocked, and I couldn't move. On one hand, I would be able to save the family I had accidentally abandoned. But on the other hand, I would have to give up Kairo's dream. I hated the idea of giving in to Lord Rigel, but I couldn't see any other possible alternative. I couldn't take on Lord Rigel in a fight. I couldn't escape with Kairo. I couldn't do anything.

Pausing, I slowly reached my arm out. I saw a smile creeping on his disgusting face. Even though this was an agreement, I felt like I was surrendering.

"Wait," I said, pulling my arm away hurriedly in a panic, "I'll do it on one condition and that's only if you let Kairo go too."

"How bold!" Lord Rigel cackled at my attempt to bargain. "My offer is already very generous, yet you still want more. I suppose that greed is only part of human nature. But what do you have to offer in return for taking more?"

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