Chapter 1: The new life

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Okay so before i start, just i wanna say that Rerikyin is the mother and Anokan is the father. Please tell me if i fave something wrong in here, and thank you for come and read my story here.

"I see you, Reriykin"

"I see you too, please be safe Anokan"

"i'll be back for sure, besides our little one is waiting in here" 


"Push again! Push Harder! We can see it coming Reriykin!"

"It hurts! How many pushes i still need to do?! For real it hurts more rather than fighting in the war!"

"You can do this! we already saw the head!" 

"come on! i can't hold it anymore! No more please! "

After some of you know.... all bloody marry that happens.... finally a little baby girl na'vi born. She have a light blue skin but combine with some of darker color of blue stripes all over her body and have her lighter blue tail, as its arm and feet wiggle around making her looking very cute. Everybody cheered for her, they give her to hold her in her arms. Reriykin currently feel hurt and dizzy but she use all her strength to carry her child. 

"there you are little one... look my dear Anokan, our child is so beautiful" Reriykin spoke softly towards the baby makes the baby giggles

Reriykin look at the women beside her as her tear shed down to her cheek and say "Please take care of my daughter... my time is not much left..."

"NO! you must stay strong sister! You must take care of her by yourself!" 

"Please.... please take care of Syanin and remember to take care of yourself too... that is my last wish to you..."

"No! you can't do this! No! No!" 


As time pass by, Syanin grow up to be quite a beautiful girl. 

(I'm not sure if this kinda look like neytiri but here is her face refrence, you can think using your imagination tho ehe) (and the art is not mine... yeah...)

"Wait for me you yaymak sxkawng" Syanin shouts as she painting running towards

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"Wait for me you yaymak sxkawng" Syanin shouts as she painting running towards.

(Yaymak means foolish and arrogant ignorance in na'vi language)

As infront of her standing that usually people call him "Turuk makto's oldest son" Neteyam. He patting his ikran waiting for Syanin.

"sure sure there is plenty of time" Neteyam says with a smile

"How the hell you run so fast" Syanin ask

"Well you know who is my father, the Turuk Makto" Neteyam exclaimed as he looks at her.

"Hm~ I guess his training on you makes the results better" Syanin said trying to turn the table

"Maybe" Neteyam said

They surely love to fly together. It's almost daily for them to fly around together with just the two of them with their ikran. As they actually have a very tight bond between each other since they were little, but its rather different today...

Just when Syanin get onto her ikran's back and hold the holder,

"wait for us too!" the youngest son came in or let us just call him Lo'ak.

It seems he not just bringing himself, he also bringing the other siblings. Kiri the adoptive daughter and Tuk the youngest daughter.

"you all runs so fast!" Tuk shouts panting

"hi? what takes you all to come here?" Syanin ask

"well we also want to have fun" Kiri reply

"oh... okay get on then" Neteyam says

Then, they all fly together around the haleluyah mountain. As their parents didn't allow them to fly too far. But man, pandora surely is an amazing world... they fly around, making jokes, and looking at the view. After some time they fly around, they then finally come back to the village. (btw this is before the human came and destroy their house... again...) 

"where have you all been?" Jake sully the "Turuk Makto" ask them in worry

"We just flying around and... play around the haleluyah mountain we never go further" Neteyam answers

"No making trouble you all?" Jake ask in concern

"Don't you worry we make no trouble at all, sir" Syanin say

"I'm impressed kids, good, you guys can go now" Jake says as he walk away


As it's almost eclipse, Syanin sit alone to look at the view in the sky. Neteyam saw her and decide it's his time.

"Nine" Neteyam called her using his nickname that he used to make for her to let her know his presence.


"Uhm... I guess I have something to give to you"

"What is it?"

"Uhm, it's nothing... Yesterday night, I can't sleep so I decided to sculpt a bunch of tiny colourful rocks that I found and make them into a bracelet." Neteyam said as he hand out the bracelet and showing it to her.

"Uhm, and some of the rocks can glow in the dark" Neteyam said

"It's beautiful, you only spend a night to make this? It's incredible" Syanin said

"It's nothing, I'm glad you actually love it" he gave a warm and big smile

"Maybe sometimes I should make you something too" she look at him

"I'll gladly accept" he said giving a small chuckle.


That night, they happily enjoy their night. They eat dinner together, then they starting to make jokes together, they also play something called "play tag", and many other stuff together. As the kids sleep soundly, as the parents (ofc neytiri and jake) go out enjoy themself on a date together. 

Syanin then back to her aunt. Her mothers sister that called Reyan'atik or people just call her Reyan. Her aunt already waiting for her. She ask what did she do at the day. They talking about their day together happily. Everything seems so peaceful, so happy. Then they get to their sleep together. Syanin is very close to her aunt, she is her only family that she had left. She always cherish every part of life even though she doesn't have any mother nor father.

Everyone enjoy their life that night, not knowing what will happen in the exact same night...

Just when everyone is sleeping soundly and the night sounds calm, suddenly there is a rambling sound came from the sky, as they look up, they saw a new star coming closer. In the exact moment they all know what happen, the sky people is coming.....

And then yea the roket coming~

lalalalala~ that is all for chapter one, please tell me if you guys enjoy reading this! I'm so sorry if there is mistake in spelling. Thank you  also for reading this chapter, please continue to the next one :)

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