1 Am D0ne Wait1ng

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You tried to give them one more chance. One more day. But it failed. So you broke the one rule you had promised to your music man. Never interfere in the morning when many flesh bags were wandering the studio. You were breaking it right now. You were done waiting.
All because of that wretched female flesh bag. Stealing YOUR music man.
You had to win him over before it was too late.
This had to work. I'm done waiting

Quiet, silent as the grave. Quiet as in peace. Sammy felt pure bliss for once in his life of working in this cursed studio. Although it was most definitely temporary since Joey Drew was starting to push the working hours on his employees and doubling the work. At least he still had the ink flower that he was certain Odessa had made weeks ago. For emergencies.
He did try his best not to abuse and rely on this power too much though, one because he would never hear someone come into his office and two, because it would give Odessa mixed signals, and that was the last thing he wanted. It was bad enough that the ink beast was obsessed with him, accepting the creature's gifts was just asking for trouble.
Looking down at his work, he wondered for a moment if Odessa was going to come in and ask about the music, despite the agreement they all made, he knew the ink creature would wander into the ink pipes and watch him work, including when he orchestrated. Polk had told him once when they left for work, not to mention the feeling of being watched when no one was in the room.
He frowned deeper for a second before pushing away from his desk, he needed a drink if he wanted to handle this next piece. Plus he wanted to check up on Norman as he had to stay behind to fix the projection.
Speaking of that guy, the poor man seemed pale. Like seeing a ghost and white as a bedsheet kind of pale. He had tried to talk to the man but it seemed as if Norman hadn't heard him at all.
He was a grouch, but even he knew when he was pushing it. Most of the time.
Taking one last look at the flower, silently making an agreement with himself, he picked it up and placed it inside his desk once more. He would throw it away later, right now he needed a drink, and maybe some food before he tackled his music once more.
He had just gotten up from his chair when he heard someone knock on the door. He barked out a confirmation as he practically deflated back into his seat. Great. What was being changed now?
"Mr. Lawrence?" a person peaked into the door as if he was about to get something thrown at him "Mr. Drew wants everyone to come to his office immediately, says he has something important to say"
Sammy had to hold back the urge to groan "can it wait until I've eaten?"
"Afraid not" with that, the person quickly left before Sammy could say anything else.
Gritting his teeth in annoyance with a low growl, he got up and stormed out of his office. If this turned out to be another one of Joey's 'get rich quick schemes', he was walking out of this studio faster than you could say 'I'm outta here'.

Norman was never the kind of man to fear the darkness, he had never feared it when he was a kid. Hell, he never believed in the boogeyman either. But after meeting Odessa's new friend, Bendy, he was beginning to believe there was such a thing as the boogeyman. One that was made entirely of ink.
He knew he was acting a bit jumpy when people spoke from behind, he knew he looked a mess despite his best of trying to act like everything was fine. But he wasn't fine, he knew that people had noticed, but they always avoided asking if everything was alright.
He didn't know whether to consider it a blessing or a curse. Especially when he noticed Sammy had been taking notice of him as well.
He was a strong, willed man, but even he had his limits.
But during the free time, he briefly had, he had tried to see the reason behind why Odessa would talk to the creature, it was certainly rational since they were both made of ink, they really needed someone who was like them that could understand what they were going through. But at the same time, with just that brief glimpse before he had fainted, all he saw was an eyeless creature with a soulless smile, a wolf that looked like it had found the freshest and juiciest piece of meat it had ever seen and was close to going for the kill.
A part of him was scared the creature was going to hurt Odessa or even twist things to turn them against him and Sammy.
He could only hope and pray that that never happened. Odessa may be soulless, but they were at least trying to understand the ways of being human more than that 'Bendy' creature did, it just seemed to like staring at anyone who came into the room, anyone that wasn't Odessa anyway.
He was so deep in his thoughts that he never heard anyone call out to him until they raised their volume.
"Hey Norman?" said man was thankful no one could see him on the balcony since he jumped "Mr. Drew wants everyone to come to meet at his office immediately, says he has something important to say"
That was strange, it wasn't uncommon that he did this sometimes, but they were very few and far between, but judging by the tone and expression the person was making, this time, it was going to be something completely different.
Not to mention the agonizing twist in his gut. The kind that screamed 'get the hell out before you die' kind of twist.
He didn't hesitate to walk the many steps towards Joey's Office, each step feeling heavier than the last, his ears pounding along with his head in tune with his footsteps that seemed to be getting louder the closer he got towards the office.
It seemed to get worse when he saw the entire studio body swarming around the office area. Not to mention the murmurs about Joey looking like a child that had been told Christmas came early. His stomach was inches away from throwing up whatever laid inside. Something was very, very wrong. He just wasn't sure what it was.
"Gather round people, gather round" the man called out in that positive, loud, and way to cheerful tone, and everyone immediately began to calm down to listen "now I know everyone is wondering why I called you here, but I assure you, that this will be the breakthrough needed into getting rich fast"
Norman felt his entire arm spasm. He almost dry heaved too. He had heard this speech before, but it never left him feeling like this. Whatever he was about to say to them, it didn't sound good.
"This is the breakthrough I told you about, with this in mind, we'll be seeing a bigger and brighter future" his smile was practically teeth smiling now, and not the good kind "I must ask though that you all try to keep your excitement down, they are a little shy"
They? Shy?
Joey Drew stepped to the side, his office was dark but the studio's light was bright enough to reveal two faint siloets in his office. Everyone murmured, wondering who these people were. And if they were children, considering their heights.
"Everyone. May I introduce..."
The figures moved forward with slow purposeful steps. Everyone held their breath as their hearts pounded against their chest, some were scared, some curious. But only two held dread and fear in their bodies.
This had to work. This had to work. Sammy. Sammy, please. See me the way I see you.
A small, innocent smile grew on the pale face.
The other 'child' just waved with his permanent smile being etched into everyone's minds.
"Alice Angel and Bendy, The Dancing Demon"
Some gasped. Some fainted. Some screamed.
Norman Polk dry heaved.
Sammy stared at the creatures with a gobsmacked fish look.
Susie Campbell looked at the creature known as Alice in shocked awe.
Will you notice me now Sammy? I did this for you. We don't have to hide our friendship anymore.
Things are certainly going to be much more entertaining from here on out. Heh. Joey Drew, its time you knew the true meaning of hell.
You made me think I'm alone. But I am me.
I'm Alice Angel
I'm Bendy
And my story has only just begun.

Inky Conscience (BATIM Sammy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now