1 • The Start

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Rocky: So...I'll get a bottle to spin! Don't lose it, reuse it!

He comes back with a bottle.

Chase: Who's gonna start?
Marshall: I will, I guess. I suggested it, anyway.

Marshall spins the bottle and it lands on Rubble.

Marshall: Alright, Rubble. Truth or dare?
Rubble: Truth!
Marshall: Hmm. Why do you like food so much?
Rubble: It's food! It's yummy and delicious and like...who doesn't like food?
Skye: True.
Chase: Alright, Rubble. Spin!

Rubble spins the bottle and it lands on Rocky.

Rubble: Truth or dare?
Rocky: I'll go with...dare.
Rubble: Try and beat everyone at Pup Pup Boogie!
Rocky: Hm. Okay.

Rocky: Right, left, front, shoot.
Marshall: Left, wait, right? Back, front, and
Rocky: Oww...
Marshall: Oops! Sorry Rocky, haha.
Rocky: It's fine. So...who won?
Chase:...It looks like you won this one!
Rocky: Sweet!

Rubble: I'm gonna beat you!
Rocky: Nuh-uh! No way!

i hash tag dont feel like writing all of them but he won against marshall rubble and chase (his legs were tired as states in the LASTTT CHAPTERRRR), almost beat zuma and lost against and skye

Rocky: That was tiring.

Rocky spins the bottle and it lands on Chase.

Rocky: Truth or dare, Chase?
Chase: I'll go with...dare. I'm a police pup, after all!
Rocky: Speak Spanish for the next 14 turns.
Rocky: Spanish.
Chase: ¡¿Por qué?! (Why?!)
Rocky: I don't even know what he's saying.
Chase: Te odio. (I hate you.)
Rocky: Okay, spin!!
Chase: SOLO SÉ UN POQUITO DE ESPAÑOL, ROCKY. Eres muy molesto. (I ONLY KNOW A LITTLE BIT OF SPANISH, ROCKY. You're very annoying.)

Chase spins the bottle and it lands on Zuma.

Chase: ¿Verdad o reto? (Truth or dare?)
Zuma: How am I gonna understand him, dude?
Zuma: Uhhh ver-dad??? How do I know he's not switching the order?
Chase: ¿Cuál son tus animales favoritas del océano?
Zuma: Animales? Favoritas? Océano? Are you asking about my favorite ocean animals?
Chase: SÍ! (YES!)
Rubble: Ooh, that's a good one!
Zuma: Well-

The Lookout doors open, and Ryder enters.

Ryder: Hey, pups! What's up?
Marshall: We're just playing Truth or Dare. Wanna join?
Ryder: Sure! I don't see why not. How's it been going?
Chase: Muy terrible. (Very terrible.)
Ryder: Why are you speaking in Spanish?
Chase: ALGUIENNN me atrevió a hablar en Español para catorce turnos. (SOMEONEEE dared me to speak in Spanish for fourteen turns.) *glares at Rocky*
Rocky: *simply grins*
Zuma: Ahem. As I was saying, I honestly don't know. There are so many cool creatures out there! But, if I had to reeaaally choose, probably blue sharks. They're really cute. Any sharks in general are adorable.

Zuma spins the bottle and it lands on Skye.

Zuma: Truth or dare?
Skye: Hmm...dare. I like a challenge. *backflips*
Zuma: I dare you to do as many backflips as you can without stopping.
Skye: Okay!
Rubble: Someone count!


Chase: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

Ten minutes later

Chase:....243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 24- ay Dios MÍO ella finalmente se detuvo. (oh my GOD she finally stopped.)
Zuma: I'm kind of bored...like I know we just started but like. I'm out of ideas.
Rocky: Honestly, same.
Ryder: Hm. I have an idea! What if we ask the internet for truths and dares?
Rubble: Ooh, yeah! That'll be fun!
Marshall: Sure!
Skye: That's a good idea, Ryder! Let's do it!

He makes a video explaining it and posts it to like the Adventure Bay Facebook page or something idk

A/N: HELLO!!! thank you 4 reading this far!! you are able to suggest truths and dares for the characters in the comments cause i guess now youre the adventure bay facebook page LMAO!! the intro chaptee has more reads than the rules and stuff, so PLEASE read the chapters titled "before we begin" and "rules" before commenting stuff!! hope you enjoyed the first chapter of a hopefully better version of the cringey old one!!!! fanfic out 😈😈

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