Chapter 1: Stories mean nothing

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As the sun fell and the moon came out a car pulled into a dark parking lot, the clock of the dashboard reading 23:00.. Or as the driver knew, 11:00 pm.. Almost midnight. As he looked over seeing few lights inside he frowned. This was an odd place to find work in the middle of what seemed to be nowhere. There was even dark forest behind the warehouse they parked at.

"Bud you sure this is the place?" An older mans voice came as he turned to his son getting out of the car with a bag on his shoulder "Looks like no-one is here .. Maybe they sent the wrong address?"

The boy just sighed and closed the door, leaning into the navy blue cars window, which he had opened he sighed. "Dad chill, this is the place. Now go home, I'll be fine. Remember? I can fight for myself" he laughed..

With hesitation the father nodded and began to roll the window up "now, you call if anything happens alright? That's an order" he said as his son nodded and went to go in..

The place, as he found out driving away, was called SCHLATTS WAREHOUSE.. It was built over thirty years ago. By the man himself who went missing. With a heavy sigh he drove down the streets, a prayer in his heart his son would be okay.. That place was known to have dark, dark secrets.. "be safe Tommy.. " he whispered turning the corner as the building, vanished from sight.


As he walked in, Tommy smiled. This was a new job, one he had been trying to find. He was always a night owl, and it drove his father crazy how he would stay up so late reading and watching television while he was trying to sleep nearby. So he asked his son to maybe, if he could, find something to do. Hoping he would go back to college. But Tommy didn't, he went looking for a job. One in security. This was such an odd thing he bet for his new boss. To hire such a young man. But the thing is, Tommy was smart. To smart

As a child he was always excelling in school. He was always a grade higher. And by 16, he was in actual college. Going to be a detective. But being so young most didn't expect him to graduate. It normally three to five years for most and years in between of on field work. But there was a secret within the city of L'manberg. One they would never say aloud. Tommy..  Wasn't normal. And his skills in what he wanted to be? Had the city police begging for him. And since his father was the chief it was allowed. He was allowed to tag along to the after maths of scenes after been cleaned .. And with what ever was left, he always solved the crime.

so when he graduated at the age of eighteen no one was opposing him. He had the hours of work needed. In years before college working on cases with his father. And the brain to complete it in the two years?  More than enough. So he graduated. But under the law he legally couldn't work till he was twenty for the station as an officer or detective. So he wad seen as a private one. One for hire.

This is what led Tommy to the warehouse. The want of something mysterious. And mystery he was given. While the outside looked terrible, inside was filled with colour and .. Things? It was running?

"Anyone here?" He called as he walked in. His voice was met with another near his age.. "Yep! Over here!" They called.

As he walked to a spot, a room.. He was tripped by a string. Landing on the concrete he groaned.. "Woah! Watch out dude" a young man laughed "sorry" he said helping him up. As he sighed Tommy dusted himself off and got a better look.. The man was about twenty two.. And seemed to be smaller than him. He was always so tall. "I am Karl! Your the new night guard right? Sorry about the string" he laughed

Tommy brushed it off. "No its okay. My names Tommy" he said as Karl turned around and was packing things "Great! Tommy.. I for a second thought I would be staying over shift" he wore a day guard uniform.. It had a small sun patch on it and he seemed tired. Over time huh? Tommy thought. Probably meant that he had been working day shift. "Would you mind running me through every thing?" He asked as Karl nodded

Every room meant something. On the camera system it had a symbol on the left corner of the screen. Each one a new colour. "All those? Robots.. we call them Animatronics.. There's a few but don't believe the rumours" he said as Tommy looked confused. "Rumours?"

It turned out, The warehouse had more than financial issues, as Tommy originally knew of. The place also had rumours and stories. Of the robots being possessed or alive. "Its not true. They are programmed to move at night so their gears don't lock up"

Tommy nodded a bit on edge now. He had heard of a place with said rumours but never knew it was here. "Well.. Would I have a second guard here?" He asked but Karl shook his head "sorry Tommy. One guard is all they can pay a night but hey.. If you make it through the week.. You get paid more than anyone here" he said as he sighed walked to the office entrance. "And uhm.. One last thing.. This red rope? Which you tripped on?" He was putting it back up.. "don't let anything over it. If something does come, hide" he said leaving for now.. "Good luck... Try to survive the night" he chirped as the front door could be heard as it closed.... And he was alone

This set so many alarms off in the blonde.. The lights were off, as not to waste electricity. And yet he had to work.. With things that people said could harm him?! Oh... He had no idea what he just got into. But he felt he could continue.. It was rumours.. Nothing more than stories... Stories mean nothing right?...

Unaware to him.. He was still being watched.. From close and far eyes. Of crystal blue..

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