Chapter 5: You didn't lie?

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From home Tommy went to work, it was dark and a bit cold. As he walked into the warehouse, he closed the doors and locked it behind him. Protocol, he figured. He had been sent a letter which he recently saw on the table. His father must of picked it up from the mail box in the morning and he just didn't see it when he woke up. But he had when he ate dinner with his father before leaving to walk to work. He knew his dad had a stressful day at work by how silent he had been.

It had been the ways to do his job. The rules. You go in and lock it when your sure nothing else was wrong. You make sure nothing is missing before going to the office. When there you sit and wait. But it was odd. Something wasn't right in it.

As the end, amongst the writing of a computer, was cursive. Small and proper. It had sent shivers down his spine thinking back to it now. As he sat in the office he sighed. The writing so fine had said to... Leave if he was in danger. But only if it was positive. Otherwise he was expected to stay there and do his job. Nothing in, nothing out unless danger came. And he wasn't to leave till sunrise.. Or till relieved by the day guards..

As he sat looking through cameras, Ghostbur came. "You didn't visit me" he whined as he sat outside the rope once again. He looked sad? Couldn't be right? Animatronics, robots of any kind don't have true feelings right?

"I did.. I came in the day around two or three. But you didn't respond. You kept asking me if someone was missing or who I was looking for. So I gave up. The worker said your not programmed for it"

Ghostbur smiled and began to laughed softly "Silly night guard. We aren't awake in the day. I sleep!" He said as he leaned forward "But thanks for trying. No-one else would"

Tommy nodded and sighed "Your not awake? What do you mean?"

The robot sighed. "The others leave when we tell them. never come back" he didn't want to say. So he could make his own choices.. Tommy was becoming more aware of everything now. "I promise I won't leave. And if I do, you have every right to hate me for ever.. If you can" he didn't know if he had emotions.. Proper ones anyways.

With a sigh the eyes blinked. "We aren't just robots Tommy.. we are people, trapped and alone.. Dead"

Tommy could tell why most left. What he was saying... That he was a person, who died. And now possessed this robot. Stuck in a limbo for who knows how long. "But.. Why? Did you choose?"

Ghostbur shrugged "I've been here for years. I don't remember. I think I didn't choose this. But I don't know" he looked towards the Hall beside him as Tommy gave him another question. "Are.. All of you?"

He nodded. "Yeah, me, Slime.. Shclatt.. Ranboo All of us... But Mexican Dream" he looked back as Tommy began writing everything down. was he really not leaving?. No Tommy was following the rules of his job now. He wasn't in danger, there was only the slight threat now.

"Why isn't Mexican Dream?" He asked curious. To which he only got a shrug in return. "Do.. You remember your name?" He asked gently. Maybe he could find who he was?

"Nope.. Thats why I can't leave sir. I don't" he said as Tommy sighed. "Alright then, family names? How you died? Anything?"

Ghostbur only remembered so little. The day he died being one. Other than that it was he had a small family and his mother was not there anymore. She had left. "Your death day! What's the date?!"

The animatronic smiled "April 9th.. 2016" he looked down as he remembered the date. "it was a special day. I don't remember why"

Tommy sighed. That was his birthday. The day he lost so much. "It use to be a day for me too.. But.. It hasn't for a long time" he said as he went back to work. The others moved but none seemed to cause trouble. So he could speak with the other.

"What about you Tommy! Have family?"

The blonde smiled as he rested his head into his hand. "Yeah I have family. A father" he said as he glanced back to see confusion on the others face. "What's wrong?" He asked as Ghostbur frowned. "No mother? Or siblings.. You don't like an only child"

Tommy laughed. "No I had those.. but my mother died, and my brother ran away. So it is just me and my father now....and my Uncle but he never visits me" he sighed as he thought about it. He was never close to his uncle. And that was fine to him. Never saw eye to eye about anything. His uncle never was there with them and if he was he would ignore the kids.

"I wanna help you Ghostbur. Help you get out of here" he said as he knew being a ghost must not be fun. Of course he could see the other wanting out. "Really?! You'd help?!" He asked as giggled. This confirmed it all. Ghostbur showed all emotions to Tommy.

"Yeah. I can't stand by and watch someone, even if a spirit, be in pain. And you must be lonely here.. Never seeing the sun" When he worked on fixing the voice box he noticed the animatronic had a small device which he assumed was a tracker. So if he ever left, he would be able to be found.

Through the rest of the night, Tommy and Ghostbur talked. A few times Tommy hid, he and Ghostbur didn't know if the others were hostile. Ranboo never came close but Mexican Dream would. He would not risk this one bit. Shclatt was not the best. So till he saw kindness or any positive action of the others. He wasn't testing the waters

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