Chapter 6: A week of danger

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As he came back every night, and did his routine, Tommy learned more of the Shclatt Warehouse. But not from the other workers.. As for some odd reason Karl refused to tell him anything other than how to do his job. No he got it from the Animatronics. From the things everyone told him, never to interact with. Never talk to. And yet from them, he began learning... He was right.

Schlatt warehouse. Had a deep dark secret, older than Tommy himself. And it wasn't a pretty one. It was one hidden in time and through the wiring of the building. And those who called it home.

The only animatronic he knew the actual spirit name to, was Schlatt. But how did he die? Tommy tried looking it up, he tried to find it. Days up, and nights at work, he wasn't sleeping like he should. And was growing less aware at everything. There was many times Mexican Dream got into the halls, outside the rope and he had to stop moving last second. Staring into the room as Tommy couldn't move. He found hiding didn't work for this one. It would sense him hiding. It seemed how ever to not notice him standing still. He assumed it had a malfunction with its sensors. He how ever did not fix said problem like he would for Ghostbur. He knew others would run if they snuck in. And he didn't know how to fix sensory on something he couldn't shut off.

Other times was where Ranboo would just appear and sit there. As Tommy avoided all eye contact. It seemed friendly enough. It never crossed the lines. And slowly he gained the trust of the blonde.

Ghostbur was the only one ever allowed to be in the office. Night three, Tommy had let him in. Let him explore the closed room. And night four they spent talking as Tommy made sure every thing was safe and secured on the cameras.

"Any thing to help me?" The animatronic asked as Tommy shook his head. "I've checked all missing cases, there wasn't any that could fit your description" he said as he looked over. "You said you were nineteen?" He asked.. And the robot nodded.. "yeah.. Only children under twelve and A man the age of forty two went missing that day.. And they all have been found" he said, but the look on his face said other wise.. There was one other case but he refused to even think of it..

"Sorry then I am no help, I wish I remembered.." He said looking down. The spirit inside the animatronic felt so bad he couldn't help the kind boy find who be was. Let him free.  "I wish Phil would come back already" he muttered.

Tommy looked over in surprise. "Phil? Is that an old friend of yours?" He asked as the animatronic blinked. "Who?" It seemed he was unaware of what he just said under his breath..

With a frown, The blonde decided to push it. "No you said 'Wish Phil would come back already' ... Who is Phil?"

It seemed Ghostbur didn't get it and looked down. "Tommy I don't know a Phil.." He said as he looked over.. He wasn't about to drop the topic. It seemed the only way to get his information, the information he needed, was to push for it.

For the past few days he had been pushing. He got a height, a bit around six foot five, and then the age, nineteen. He had the date he died, so that helped with a description but a name? That would be much much better. It would help swivel everything to his way. Turn it to what he needs.

And it was working as Ghostbur smiled "Oh Yes Phil!" He laughed softly as he sat on the floor by the rolling chair Tommy say in.. "He was my father...." This had Tommy's blood run cold.. No.. For the past few days he refused to even think of it..

"Now that I think of it.. I remember.. Another. My brother, Theseus.. I feel bad I left now.. You look like him" he said with a soft chirp in his voice, laced with only innocence and pure hearted love for his family.

But this is what broke the night guard. What broke Tommy. What had tears falling and his voice lost. Maybe forcing the name to be remembered hadn't been the best? He didn't think it through or that it would take so little effort of pushing to get to it. To its roots.. To where it blossoms from.

"W-Wil?" He muttered finally, after half an hour of silence and the animatronic having gone silent. He felt he upset the blonde or that maybe he was just thinking if he also knew a Phil? Part of his case? He didn't know.. But Tommy's voice brought him back from his own world and to the warehouse again. "Yeah?" Without hesitation he answered. Only confirming Tommy's worst fear..

"You died.. No you.. How?" He asked as the spirit grew more confused "I've told you Tommy.. I don't remember"

"No no.. Not that.. Don't recognize me Wilbur?" He asked as he leaned in closer

A head tilt was received before the robot it eyes sparkled with recognition. "Theseus?!" He exclaimed with shock and horror. What was his baby brother doing in a warehouse where every guard disappeared.  Yes, that was the deep dark secret of the warehouse.. Every night guard, had gone missing after some point if they hadn't quit in the first week. The most recent before Tommy had been a man by the name of Quackity. And frankly, he was the only survivor so far. And its due to quitting, resigning with in the first week. He went three days before telling the boss he was done.. And since they hadn't had someone till Tommy. And he knew it. "We have a lot to talk about.. The main how ever is not me.. Its what in the world your doing here?!" He was told Wilbur ran away... And this, this wasn't that

Cold Cased (Tommy Innit Angst)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora