Chapter 3: Never giving up

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As Tommy returned to the office he sighed.. Now why would Ghostbur save him? Help him? It was a robot. Perhaps his personal thing said to do so. The code inside said help? He did seem like a helping kind of thing. To help kids when lost. So as he sat in his office listening out he began going silently through drawers till he found it. What he was looking for..  And carefully dusted the top off the book The Schlatt Warehouse History... Yes. That's what he needed. What he wanted. A guide to what it was.. But.. There was a problem.

As Tommy opened the old worn out book, he noticed it. Half the pages gone. All the info he wanted! The history part was missing! Great. Just great. Now he had no way to find it out unless through online. But then he would have to wait till he was home. So instead he looked into the Animatronics.. Instead of the place its self.

It seemed there was five. Schlatt, after the original owner he presumed. Was built as the main attraction. To help entertain kids and adults alike with magic.  Ghostbur, a blue animatronic made to help lost children.. 'So that's why he is so friendly. He is made to help kids' he thought to himself as he kept reading.

Ranboo, tall slender and easy to miss. Was made to be a puppet almost. To watch the kids and guide them around. Slimecicle . A green goo like. Made to play with the kids, and be their friend.. And then one more. Mexican Dream. A Hispanic with a mask. Made to be a security. To facial scan and make sure there was no intruders both day and night.

He found it nice to know what each animatronic had a job for. And it seemed balanced. But he did find it off, there was no pictures. Then he read the date. 1993? Wait that wasn't right.. That made the book twenty five years old?! it Mau be outdated. But. Schlatt and Ghostbur still were there. Maybe there was newer animatronics but never replaced the old? He didn't know what to believe. But at least He had some guides to things?

He even had a lay out of the building. A rough sketch but it worked. As he closed the book and put it back he sighed and leaned on the desk. Looking to the clock, 05:20.. Forty more minutes. Gosh he was getting tired.

Just as he was to leave, maybe early he assumed would be a little okay he heard the steps behind him. Whipping around he gave a relieving sigh "Ghostbur! You scared me" he laughed a bit nervous.

"you going home?" The animatronic asked kindly to which Tommy had nodded "just making sure everything is fine and okay before the day guard comes."

Ghostbur nodded as he frowned "Will you visit me in the day? It gets lonely" he said softly. Now normally Tommy would say no, and get rest for the next night. But he said "Yes".. Which sure surprised him, but he didn't correct himself. As Ghostbur smiled " Then have a good day Tommy.." He said as he went back to his spot of the attractions. He knew where to go every morning as not to cause trouble .

Before tommy knew the sun rose and he walked out the door, and spotted Karl "Karl! Hey!" He wanted to ask a question but Karl sighed "sorry Tommy. I have to get things ready to open.. Maybe tonight" he didn't even stop as he walked in and left the blonde alone.

But Tommy didn't say anything as he went home. He walked the two miles around the city to get to his block. To a grey home, he smiled to see. Taking a key he had in his bag he opened the door and walked in. With the lights off and no television on. Or sounds in the kitchen, he knew his father was asleep. So he just went to his bedroom, taking his shoes off he laid in the bed and sighed. It wasn't long till his eyes were closed and he was asleep.

Philza, his Father had woken up as normal and peaked into his room, seeing the fan on and his son fast asleep he smiled. At least he made it home alright. He had heard of some pretty bad stories of the warehouse from work. As he a walked down the stairs to the kitchen he began to make a simple breakfast before heading to work, a note on the counter for his son for when he woke up.

Philza adored his son. He did. And just hoped that one day, Tommy would make it as far as he dreamed. He knew the boy had the biggest dreams of this life and the next to come. And would live every moment, every second, with joy.


It was hours before he woke up, when he looked to the time of his watch it read 14:21.. "Oh... Almost two thirty" he muttered as he yawned. While his dad never understood it, Tommy loved the military way of it all. The time that was. He liked the challenge as a kid it took to read it. And had grown so use to it personally he saw everything with time that way. While most the clocks read normal, his personal, on his phone, watch and alarm clock.. All read military time.

In his pajamas he walked down, expecting to see his dad he only saw the note.. To which he frowned. His dad was to get off today but it seemed not even the chief of the police station got time off. Crime wasn't a small thing in L'manberg.. It was pretty big.

As he read the note more he did have a small smile 'Left overs are in the fridge. It was a potato casserole. Love you' Seeing it had him a little happier. He liked that.

As he got the bit left and heated it up he sat back upstairs on his computer.. Researching all he could about the location before it hit.. His promise! He promised Ghostbur.. But that's a robot. "A promise is a promise.. No matter what" he sighed as he got dressed to casual clothes and left. Taking a short cut through the woods to get there. But what he found upset him.

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