Chapter 2: All clocks count down

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As the night went on, not much happened.. He sat at an office table, watching everything go on as normal. Nothing was moving like he was told it may. So Karl must of been joking about that. But he was soon proven wrong.

As the clock read 01:24 ... To which Tommy sighed at, he was lost in a daze. Ever since he was a teen his head had always been in a different place than he should of. He always had it somewhere else as he wasn't paying attention to the job. A sore mistake on his behalf as his thought was pierced by a robotic noise. Machinery.

Looking up he saw something he wished he hadn't.. Blue eyes wide staring at him from beyond the red rope. 'It won't cross.. Theseus it won't cross' he told himself as he watched it come close. In defense and curiosity he shone his light that way and found the horrific truth.. A blue and grey Animatronic. Much taller than he ever was. Its eyes locked on him.

While he knew to run, hide like told.. he couldn't.. He was frozen in place. But the animatronic didn't move past the red rope. Instead it tilted its head a little curious. Revealing a small oil leak. And the oddest thing, it looked hurt.

'Robots don't feel' he reminded himself as he finally backed up. But when he did the other did as well. Causing more confusion in the blonde. Gosh he wished Karl would of told him what to do if in a stand off. As he blinked he heard a second voice. Louder and more deep than his own, and it was scratching. Like it was recorded. "Ghostbur! I swear.. Where are you?!" It sounded mad.

Without hesitation the animatronic that Tommy could only assume was Ghostbur now, had reached over the rope and pushed Tommy away from him more. With broken noises of a broken voice box he tried to tell him to run but all that came was a mess. So instead he pointed to a box, a hiding spot under the desk. As if to have him hide there.. He looked worried

Tommy seemed so confused, a bit unsure if to trust the motions given to him. But hearing heavy footsteps of another, metal against the concrete he darted to hide where he was asked. He was unsure why. Why did he do that? Why did he trust the animatronic?!

Holding his breath he heard the footsteps stop. Peaking through a crack in the wood Tommy was faced with a more rough looking animatronic. He looked older and more damaged than the other. More broken in many places. His paint chipped and wires out he felt honestly very bad for it. He didn't understand why. As the voice came again

"Where is he Ghostbur? Where's the guard?" he asked as the Ghostbur animatronic shook their head. Were they having a conversation? That didn't make sense.. Maybe they were programmed to do that. He didn't know.

As the other saw this he had pushed Ghostbur back onto the ground "you know I hate liars where is he?!" His voice raised a temp and Tommy felt a shiver down his spine. As the other only shrugged. And then it clicked. Ghostbur was defending him?! This second animatronic was trying to hurt him, and the blue one was defending by saying he didn't know!

"Ghostbur... Listen" the older said walking close "You have three seconds to rat him out. Or I dismantle you instead.. You wouldn't want that would you?" He asked tilting his head with a cruel smile. One that made Tommy's heart stop beating for a moment.

All Ghostbur did how ever is stop moving. He wasn't giving the night guard up. No, he was not about to. With a frown he looked right to the other. It was clear now these two.. Were not friends.

Next thing Tommy knew, he was all alone. Under the desk as a mechanical grind was across the stone cold ground. Ghostbur had been dragged off..

Tommy went to the camera immediately to see what was happening curiously as he watched the two reach a room with a sign on the front.. Repairs. Why was he taking him there? Was he really going to dismantle him. As he watched them go in.. Only one came out.

Normal people would run, leave the job. Turn it into the authorities. But Tommy never could be normal. As he waited for the other to return to his normal post before rushing to the room he had seen. He had made a mental map in his head of the cameras and pieced it together.

Opening the door ever so carefully he gasped as his light shone to what was now a torn figure.. "What.." He couldn't believe one would destroy the other.. As Ghostbur's eyes flashed the soft blue he pointed to the door. Trying to ask him to leave. But Tommy refused.

As he looked around for a box of tools he began to talk to him.. "Wow he did a number on you didn't he"

Ghostbur just gave a soft whine.. Which had Tommy so confused. He could make noises, why couldn't he speak like the other? "Mind if I take a look at you Ghostbur? I can help" he said softly

The animatronic nodded and sat perfectly still. Again, Tommy believed he was programmed to listen. They must of just had a malfunction with the other one when he hurt him. Slowly he powered Ghostbur off and smiled. As he began to repair him. Taking parts from around to piece him back together.

It took two hours, and he was covered in oil and pretty dirty by the end of it but when he finished, he had not only repaired the damage the other did to him but also repaired the voice box, which had been shattered. As he flipped the switch he watched the dull eyes turn so blue. He felt that blue was something he had seen before but forgot where. "Welcome back Ghostbur.."

"Thanks" the animatronic had said before it stopped and froze. He was silent for a moment.. And it made Tommy think he was waiting for an order but right before he was about to ask something Ghostbur had gently wrapped his arms around him. "Thank you sir. Thanks for fixing my voice"

This again had Tommy alarmed.. There was no way. He spoke freely? "Of.. Course" he said as he was released. And noticed a small smile on the metal face infront of him. "You better go before Schlatt finds out you fixed me."

Tommy was now under belief that was the other.. "but Ghostbur.. I don't get it. How did you-" as he was about to ask the sound of the voice came. The one that could send shivers so easily down his spine.

"Security Guard I swear.. Where ever you are. Your dead" yeah he figured as much now. As he stood to run to the door he looked back "will you be okay?" He asked the Ghostbur animatronic. To which he got a nod. "the office is where your safest.. Don't die" he said as he watched the blonde leave.. Hoping Schlatt didn't find him..

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