Chapter 7: It was never meant to be

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As they sat in the dim lighted room, the brothers spoke in hush voices.. How was Wilbur there? Why was his little brother hanging around a haunted warehouse were danger lurks behind every shadow around one..

Well both had stories the other wished they knew before, but not now. Wilbur claimed it was an accident, he had not been careful and went down the wrong path of life.. It ended with him being murdered and stuck here forever.. Tommy naturally believed his brother. Who wouldn't?

Tommy however, was unsure why of all places this one was the one he liked to work at. It was a clear hazard to his life and yet he still is there. Still he was trying to uncover the mystery behind the Schlatt company and this place it owned.. Wait was that really the only thing keeping him here? The mystery? Yeah, he couldn't deny it. The only reason to stay, was the fact he couldn't hold back his curiosity and need for adventure.

When his brother heard this, he frowned. "Tommy, man.. You can't be here.. Shclatt will kill you and.. Dad will be alone"

"No Wilbur.. He won't.. You'd be there!" The blonde returned his response with a positive voice and smile.. Unaware of the sorrow in his brothers eyes. "Tommy.. I can't leave.  I am stuck here.. Unless set free, no-one in this warehouse can leave the building as a spirit.. We are stuck"

His face fell and he sighed. Why must everything have a countermeasure to take it down? Why couldn't this be easy. Why must it be this way.

Part of the blonde wished they could go back in time. Go back, stop it all. To a time where there was no worry, the point in life of which he was the happiest. But life had never been that easy for anyone. Time was irreversible and that was that.

Wilbur had looked into his brothers eyes, wondering what went on in his mind. Part of him couldn't even fathom his brother being this old. Nineteen, that was how old he was when he died right? His brother got to his age so quick and perhaps may just out grow him on it too. He deserved thaat much did he not?

"Tom, listen. As much as you wish for me home, perhaps it was never meant to be this way? Remember the old stories dad told me and I told you? There is one way the story ends. This was my ending"

"No!" The blonde wouldn't take that as a possibility. "Nothing is impossible. You just gave up"

"Tommy, Everyone gives up at some point" he sighed as he crossed his arms. Life was much different than when they were kids. It was more real now, real and out to get them.

"Well I never quit. So let me help you-" he had tried to go on talking when he heard a voice echoing in the warehouse. Soft calm blue eyes turned wide with even the slightest of fear it seemed as his mind raced. What was it? Who spoke?

Wilbur's mechanical eyes seemed to follow Tommy's own to the doorway of the office. "Hide" he whispered. Standing from the ground to look at his brother. NOw he understood why the two connected. How they fit in the puzzle of the games played in the warehouse, how the pawns fit on a chess board. But with that, he also felt the need more than ever now to protect his brother. Schlatt would kill him.

"Wilbur I am not-" HIs voice trailed off when he saw the other stand in front of him protective. Wait, was he really there? Silence filled the room,  neither speaking.But silence said it all. To hide was not an option, there was no choice given. It was a command of which Tommy must follow. One of which would decide his fate of the night it seemed.

As metal hit concrete in the halls, the blonde dashed from his chair to the underside of the desk. He couldn't think of anywhere else to hide. Anywhere else to go at the moment that could be safer. He just had to pray to any being above that Schlatt did not find him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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