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It was the next day, Lily and Mike rode their bikes to the middle school and walked towards the school entrance, meeting with Lucas, Dustin, and Gabe. 

"Have you guys seen Will?" Lil asked, if anything she was the one who was constantly late. Never her brother.

"No, we haven't heard anything from him yet " Gabe said, confused

"Hm, weird. He'll be here, I'm sure of it" Lily said, walking to class as the bell rang.


It was after school, and Lily felt awful. She got the news that Will had gone missing and she wasn't there. All she could think about was how selfish she felt.

"Had she really thought that her best friend was more important? Is he okay? Is he alive? Do they blame me?"

Lily felt like curling herself into a little ball and never coming out. As she rolled up to her house and opened her door she found her worried mom, and a stressed as fuck Jonathan.

Before Lily could even get a word out, her mother embraced her and began to slightly cry aswell.

"I think you need to go to the Wheelers for a bit" Joyce continued to hold her only daughter. It wasn't right for her to be forced into everything, Joyce knew that Lily was still in her heart a little girl.

"No- I wanna help-" Lily just wanted to be embraced by her mother, she couldn't leave them, not again.

"Come on, I'll drop you off" Jonathan spoke silently, grabbing his keys and heading outside with his little sister.


Jonathan pulled up to Mike's driveway as Lily quickly got out of the car and walked up to the Wheeler's door and knocked on the door anxiously. 

What would Mike think? He is her best friend, he wouldn't be that mad, right?

The door opened to reveal Nancy. She was never close with Nancy, she was the ideal older sister, Hawkins upcoming princess. It's not like the Byers were ever accepted into society, at least not completely.

"Oh..Uhm hi Lily, are you doing here?" she asked, immediately taking in the girl's appearance.

"Is Mike home yet?", at this point Lily was bouncing around on her toes with tears swelling up in her eyes, once again.

"No, not yet. Is something wrong?" Nancy asked, Barb was on the other line but she couldn't have it on her consciousness to leave a little girl outside in the cold.

Lil just nodded her head and her tears started to leak out.

"Alright...Uhm let's go to the kitchen okay? My mom just made dinner." she said walking to the kitchen, locking eyes with Jonathan in her driveway.

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